Chapter 37-One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul

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I turned over to an empty bed. Where was Callum? I frowned to myself finding a note on his pillow

Good Morning Angel,

Happy Birthday, I have a surprise for you....

Go to the bathroom and find out you will be given instructions for the best part of the day,

See you in a few hours 

Love always Cally Wally.

I smiled at him ending it with Cally Wally. Wait the jerk couldn't even be here for me on the morning of my birthday who does that?

I sighed stepping out of the bed and onto the plush carpet. Stupid jerk I mumbled to myself taking off my ring and shoving it into my pyjama bottom pocket.

I walked into the bathroom to see 5 wedding dresses hanging up my mouth hung open I quickly rang over and grabbed the note hanging on one of the dresses hangers 

Happy wedding day my love,

Yes I know you thought I was a jerk but I'm going to forgive you,

I promise I haven't seen these dresses I got a friend of mine Amira to pick out some dresses for you to choose from I didn't even place the note her,I'm all about tradition.

You have an hour to shower and pick a dress before Amira comes to do your hair and make-up or you can do it yourself

Your next note will come in time

Love Callum

No frickin' way, today? I have been dreading this day for months tonight I will be turned of course I'm going to struggle but now its my wedding day? 

I began to shake shit I only have an hour to shower. I stripped jumping into Callums turbo shower smiling as the beads of water pelted me I scrubbed myself raw especially my hair.

I stepped out dripping wet throwing on a nightgown, I pulled over a chair and just looked at the dresses, wow.

I was getting married...the dresses were so beautiful thin ones,fuller one, ribbon, no ribbon, lace,no lace, silk.

I sucked in a breath picking the dress knowing which one I would want to look back on in years to come, the dress was almost cream but no quite, tight up top, flowing after the waist, with a black ribbon tied around the waist. sweatheart neckline, it was breathtaking. I had to thank this Amira one for picking such amazing dresses.

There was a knock at the speak of the devil

I opened it to see a woman with red hair burst in 

"Hurry up darling so much to do, so much to do" she urged pushing me back into the bathroom

"No Way" I exclaimed "Amira Fernandez, the Amria Fernandez"

"The one and only' she smiled 

Amira was just about the biggest hair and make-up artist none to man,woman,celebrity and apparently vampire

"So what did you think of the dresses" she smiled unloading her make-up and hair kits onto the dresser.

"Amazing" I gushed

She raised an eyebrow "So which one?"

I smiled pointing to my choice "Perfect and its perfect for you I only had photos to go by but Callum did send me your measurements"

"Right now, I already have an idea of what way I want to do your make-up, light foundation, blush, highlight your cheekbones, fill out your eyelashes and we will do a very light smokey eye nothing over the top promise" she smiled at me while I just nodded "Oh and then in regards to your hair I was thinking half up- half down curling the pieces around your face"

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