Chapter 54-Pushed.

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"Ah ah ah I don't think so" Imelda tutted, as I gathered myself realising I was sitting back in this stupid chair, in this stupid cottage in the otherworld

"Oh so I really am dead, I don't even get to the otherworld I'm just dead" I moaned "Great"

Imelda laughed "No Kit, I'm still in the otherworld us light witches have been fighting back as best we can to hold out for this moment to see you succeed" she smiled lightly. It was then that I seen how tired her face and stance was.

"You look like crap" I blurted 

She laughed "You should see yourself" there was a bang coming from the distance.

"Whats happening?" I gasped, trying to get a look.

She stepped in my way "Well you kind have made alot of witches angry over the last hour" she grimaced.

"I'm so dead" I groaned "Again"

She gave me a knowing smile "You won't be around long enough"

"Oh am I going to pass over already?" I murmured sadly, thoughts of Callum and everything I left behind coming to mind.

She shook her head "Your going back Kit, we are giving you your life back"

"Is this a joke" I spat out 

"No, Kit us witches on the light side are going to push you back" she smirked

I ran over and hugged her she embraced me tightly "Thank you" I whispered

"We could hardly have our last real witch die" she let go of me "But you do have to listen to me for a couple of minutes"

I sat back down staring at her intently "I'm all ears"

"Kit this time I and all the other light witches are going to pass over, we have been fighting them off as long as we could but its time for us to let go, with the energy we need to push you back were sitting ducks really" she shrugged

"Oh well then I don't want to go back" I mumbled 

"No Kit we have all come to terms with it, and to tell you the truth we would have left years ago if we weren't waiting for you, the otherworld quite frankly sucks" Imelda made her way over to an empty vase when a bouquet of flowers appeared in it. "Its hard to feel her, nothing is real you try your best to create the same life you had but its not the same, I don't know if its the affects of dying or just the otherworld but emotions aren't the same nothing is"

I nodded understanding what she meant from just being here. 

"That brings me onto my next topic, you can't come back here the otherworld and you are connected, making it easier for your travel or for someone in the otherworld to contact you, understand?" she frowned at me searching my face.

"You mean a load of dark witches are going to try and contact me" I asked raising a brow at her.

"Exactly, which none of us want they will start planting idea or controlling you whatever you do block out the otherworld, besides travelling back and forth will cause a tear between the worlds you can't let that happen" she urged

"I understand, what if I need you" 

"Nope this it it you won't have my help anymore not that you had much of it" she shrugged. "Your going to feel awfully alone amongst everyone just remember you will always have Callum, that is the love of your life"

"I know" I smiled

"You know he is making it awfully easy to push you, his emotional hold to you on earth is extrememly strong which will make this alot easier" there was another explosion, and Imeldas frown deepened. "i'm worried for the vampires and humans on our side here, without us protecting them from the witches"

"Can't they pass over?" I asked

"We asked them too, and some did but most are standing there ground in anticipation" she bit her lip "Kit one last thing before we send you back, your the thing that stands in between a war from everybody witches, humans and vampires and whos side you should be on is always going to look a little foggy but you have to do the right thing"

"Is it all not over?" I sighed

Imelda laughed "Not hardly, also Kit your alot stronger then your letting yourself be, your holding back I don't know when you will reach your full potential but you haven't tapped into it yet, now are you ready to get back to Callum"

I nodded "Thank you for everything Imelda" I whispered

"No thank you, since you have been around I have started to feel something again, sometimes I forget how young you are Kit I am so proud of everything you have done, you really are something special and I now your going to be fine, I'm sorry I can't be around to help you out but now you're on your own, good luck Katherine" she smiled

A wine glass appeared in her hand she dipped her thumb into the liquid squiggling it across my forehead I gasped as she pushed me back in the chair as it hit the floor everything felt different.

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"Shes got a pulse" Callum voice shouted out

"No way" Ian gasped

"Look god damn it her chest is moving" Callum cried out

I groaned my body feeling like was hit by a couple of trucks.

"Kit are you there, come on talk to me baby" he begged.

I needed to move give him a sign. I strained my body as I wiggled my fingers.

"See she's moving" Callums voice was hoarse.

My throat was dry, my head pounding and my body tired, but I needed to put him at ease.

"Callum" I choked out, tears burning my eyes.

I felt a pair of lips on my own my eyes fluttering open. 

"Oh Kit" he sighed into my hair pulling me close.

"Are you crying" I croaked, as tears trailed down my face.

"I didn't think you were coming back for me, I love you baby" his face looking like it aged a couple hundred years

"Don't get soft on me" I smiled weakly.

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You didn't actually think I would kill her off did you :P 

What would I write about in my sequel??

Alright I say one more chapter and an epilogue should wrap this up nicely :D

Love you guys xxx

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