Epilogue-Its cool didn't want your company anyways

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I smile stretching out my body, the soft plush covers wrapping around my body, I reach out a hand to where Callum would lay, but the bed was empty.

I sigh sitting up its been the same for the last three days..

I bit my lip getting out of bed and pulling on a silk dress hung on the bathroom door.

We were still in Lorenzos castle Callum told me that we would go him tomorrow, he has been so busy with the elders and any other vampires the only time I see him is when the bed dips at night as he kisses me goodnight and falls asleep.

I haven't left the room except once going to the kitchen to get some blood, if I was honest.. I was afraid and I felt more alone than ever here. I was still weak from over-using my magic.

I placed a hand out in front of me looking at the glass of water on the bed side table at the opposite side of the bed I willed for it to come to me but it didn't move. I tried even harder a crease forming on my forehead.

"I would give it time" Ian spoke.

I turned sharply at the sound of his voice. "What do you want" I bit.

"I thought it was about time I visited you" he shrugged walking in.

I let out a sharp breath "You don't say" 

"I'm sorry, I have been trying to work some things out" he muttered.

"Like what?" I challenged

"Like not everything involves you" he snapped "Sorry I didn't mean that, so your powers aren't back yet"

"Nope" I sighed popping the 'p'. I shrugged "I am not sure if they ever will, and I am not sure how I feel about that"

He shook his head "They'll come back, I can still feel your powers radiating off you, but its normal for them to be blocked right now your body and mind needs a break and they won't get that with you using magic for stupid things, when you really need your power it will come back to you"

"Thanks oh wise one" I smirked.

I walked to the balcony looking out to see Callum talking to a group of older looking vampires who I presumed were the vampire elders. Ian joined my side looking down to where I was staring "You miss him" he observed.

I shrugged nonchalantly not letting Ian see how I really felt "I suppose, I thought he wouldn't leave my side considering I died"

"Your putting up a brave front but you and I but now your hurting" he said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We had an argument two nights ago I said he could try spending more time with me and that I almost died but he got angry and said how long am I going to play the whole I died card" I pursed my lips "I don't know, I guess I can't expect him around now that hes king"

Ians hand brushed my check "You don't have to settle for anything"

I laughed nervously moving slightly away from him "So what now" I asked

He gave me a hard look "I have been blocking off our ancestors as best I can" he breathed when I finally noticed how tired he looked.

"I suppose they're angry" I grimaced.

He nodded "Extremely, that what I wanted to tell you, Kit they aren't going to give up they wanted vengeance and one way or another they will get it, they are looking at you lifting their spell as a bump in the road now they have seen the extent of your power they are trying to find a new way to use it, I am here to warn you no matter what block them out, they're making a new plan I think its best we're not involved" 

I gulped rubbing my forehead "OK I will keep that in mind, glad to see your not a pawn anymore"

"I do apologise Kit for everything, I listened to everything the witches said until I got jealous of you and went along with Lorenzos plan but he wasn't supposed to kill you" he said his eyes showing me he was being sincere.

"And why is that" I breathed 

"Because I'm falling for you Kit" he looked me dead in the eye "I know you love him" he said tilting his head to where Callum stood "So I am leaving for a while to clear my head and just be alone but if you need me just call I owe you for nearly getting you killed and what not" he smirked

"Em" I mumbled not able to find words to explain how I felt.

"You don't have to say anything" he murmured giving me a hug goodbye he looked me in they eye pecking my lips as I stood frozen, he nodded leaving me alone on the balcony.

I shook my head pushing what just happened aside "Well well well look at you our little heartbreaker" the witches entered my thoughts.

"Get lost, I haven't done anything wrong" I shouted trying to block them out.

"You have betrayed your own kind for the love of that pathetic vampire, you have done everything wrong and you will pay but don't worry we will get revenge and a plan one that you can't and won't stop so have fun with your little vampire for now because soon they will be our pets to control"

I rolled my eyes blocking them out "Good luck with that" I muttered "You bitter old hags"

I looked down at Callum again as he caught my eye waving to be greeted with disapproving looks from the vampire elders. I turned my back on all of them getting back into bed feeling more tired and alone than ever, without Ian, Daniel,Dee or Callum.

Plus a bunch of old witches that hate me, I guess hell hath not fury like a witch scorned.

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Well thats it for book one my lovelies watch out for book two on the way I will probably upload the blurb to the next chapter of this

The story is far from over..

I want to say a massive thank you to all the people that have taken the time to read this you inspired me to keep going with all your support...

Love you guys see you for book 2 ;)

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