Chapter 13- Rise and shine

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I groaned i felt like i was hit by a bus. No Kit you were stabbed much better. My eyes fluttered open to see me in the arms off a very ripped and topless Callum. I tired to sit up but my side was still sore i considered how so painful it was considering i was stabbed the pain actually wasn't that bad. Wow vampires have actually been useful in my life.

"Good morning" Callum muttered pushing the hair out of his face

"Drop it we are not doing the whole sweet thing"

He shrugged "Either way i have got my wish you ended up in my chambers" 

I was fuming i sucked in a deep breath "You wish"

"I know" he sighed 

I bit my lip he looked slightly pained by that fact. I was going to mess with him.

"So i take it that it doesn't help when i do this" i traced my finger down his chest to his abs he shuddered under my touch just the lightest touch between like electricity racing through my veins.

"Stop it" he said through gritted teeth 

"How about this" i whispered in his ear dragging my lips down his jaw line to his lips lightly

He growled next thing i knew he was on top of me "Do you really want to play that game with me Kit"

"I-I-I em" 

He leaned in close whispering in my ear "Kit do you not think how hard it is not to grab you and make love to you and how much harder it when you do that" he smirked "Not to mention that your in your underwear"

Shit. What? memories of last night flooded back i looked back at my body seeing the black lacy underwear still on but with a blood stained bandage on. I blushed

He brushed his hand on my cheek "You blushing is cute" and thats when he couldn't help it anymore he put his lips to mine i sighed melting into him i so wanted to say now that would be rational but i couldn't bring my body to say no i kissed him the urgency of us both radiating i trailed my hands along his abs and chest again i could feel him smile against my lips thats when the door opened and there was a very shocked looking Dee,Tori,Amber,Ian,Jay and Marc.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as i looked at them embarassed Callum got off of me looking very pissed 

"What are you doing up here" he bellowed at them

Dee was the one that spoke "Daniel let us in to see Kit"

"Of course he did" he murmured clearly pissed.

I looked around the room properly then i didn't get a proper look last night the room was huge his bed was actually up a few steps from the ground it was a king size bed with silk covers that i had ruined last night. Money was clearly no problem he had a huge walk-in wardrobe in the corner mirrors all over the place and a huge flat screen tv on the wall opposite. I could just about get a glimpse of his bathroom.

Thats when it dawned on me they were all ok, well alive they all had cuts and bruises and Adam had a broken arm.

Callum broke the silence realising he was the cause of the awkwardness. "I need a shower Kit do not leave the bed"

"I would if i could" i grumbled i felt uncomfortable being bed bound not only bed bound but bound to Callums bed. I smirked at his smart ass remark earlier about getting me in his bed cock pain in the ass.

He frowned at me then eyed the others up "I expect you out of my chambers when I'm finished"

They just nodded fear plastered on them "Stop being so rude" i frowned at him

"Do you always have to push my patience" he groaned

I shrugged "i only do my best"

He narrowed his eyes at me and left for the bathroom my eyes trailing after his hotness.

Dee cleared her throat.

I looked at them i smiled "I'm so glad your all ok i would hug you but i am bed bound"

Dee ran over to me sitting on the bed hugging me i winced in pain "Sorry i was just so worried i was bugging Daniel all night about you"

"Aww i am ok a little sore but I'm alright" i smiled reassuringly

Tori stepped over slowly to me "Look Kit i just want to say thank you i can't believe you did that for me i could be dead right now if it wasn't for you" I could see her welling up.

"Oh Tori don't worry about it i mean its fine look its just a scratch really I'm just glad your safe" she just nodded still upset "Just tell me you finished him off"

That was when Adam spoke up "Hell yeah she did next of all we see her going all ninja fighting his ass he was begging for her to stop but she killed him off" he looked at her with admiration i felt a romance blooming as she gushed back at him.

Marc stepped forward then "Great so your ok i am going to go now" he looked kind of angry

"No Marc wait whats wrong" i questioned

He looked into my eyes then sighed "nothing its nothing i promise" he kissed my forehead "I'm just glad your safe Kit i was worried"

"OK people i am ok no need to worry anymore" i laughed it was so refreshing to have people that care about me.

Everyone heard the showers turn off.

"Right well thats are queue to leave" Ian laughed nervously edging to the door

"Bye" everyone chorused 

"Bye guys as soon as i can move i will be down to you"

Dee walked over to me hugging me "You are telling me everything" she whispered in my ears. I suppose i couldn't avoid that anymore.

Callum walked in in a pair of jeans his upper torso bare and wet. I couldn't take my eyes off him and he knew that snap out of it Kit i need answers.

Callum took a step forward "Now where were we again before your infuriating friends interupted"

"You just think there infuriating because they interupted a non-existent moment"

"Well yes but they infuriate me everyday of the week"

"Eh Callum I'm just like them" i pointed out

"Kit you infuriate me too but in a different way and don't compare yourself to them your on a whole different level not to mention your looks don't act like you look like a normal person or act like one either"

"Sometimes i wish i was normal" i murmured quietly

He came over to me "Never wish that Kit your the most amazing creature in this world" he eyed me "You just need a little more darkness in you"

I groaned "You ruin everything you know that"

He rolled his eyes "We were having a great moment last night which you ruined i quote 'I'm going to hate you again in the morning'"

I smiled "And amn't i keeping my promise?"

He pushed me back onto the bed "I want to finish where we were"

"Yeah well i want answers" i retorted 

"Well then ask" he mocked 

"Will you answer?"

"Some of them in exchange for..." his eyes sparkled as he looked down at me


"A kiss from you, you have to start it"


He lied down next to me waiting i grinned like a fool i was finally gonna get some answers in exchange for a kiss how hard could that be?

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