The teen wolf pack

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I woke up early and stared at my feet's. Today was the day we took Killer back home to my younger sisters pack. The Teen wolf pack. When i was dressed up i got downstairs in my cape and backpack. I was ready to go. I saw Killer having breakfast downstairs. I joined him. Sparkles was baking blueberry pancakes. They were delicious! Sparkles can make the best pancakes. I  put my camouflage cape on and did my capuchon on as well. I put my 2 fingers in my mouth and let out a loud whistle. There was Nina my dragon. And Blyless was behind her of course. When my 2 dragons arrived. I got on Blyless and Killer got on Nina. We flied in the sky high so no one could see us. Then i got my teleport portal ball and threw it in the sky. A portal appeared. "Haha try to keep up with me!" I said giggling and knowing Blyless had faster body parts. He could make sharper turns. I flied fast really fast in the portal. Killer and Nina tried to follow me but were a bit too slow. I stopped and then all of the sudden. Nina teleported in front of me. I was shocked and backed up immediately. But Nina speeded up in front of me. "Oh you want a race?" I laughed. I caught up with her straight away and flied past her. "Haha i will show you a race!" I said laughing at Killer. "O hell nah!" Killer said trying to go faster. When we got closer to the teen wolf pack territory we landed 1 by 1 safe on the ground and started to walk the last part.

We arrived 10 minutes later. Then all of the sudden i heard a hard scream so terrified that i nearly cried. We stopped and everyone's face was staring with full of fear. I realized.... It was Jimin! My brother! I ran as fast as i could with Nina, Killer and Blyless towards it. I saw Lydia and some others I didn't met yet. Attacking Jimin. I jumped over it with Blyless and let out a hard growl. Killer defended his friends and got in front of me. "Out of the way" i said snarling at him. Blyless let out a loud roar. "He is with me leave him" i said cold and angry at the same time. "Back off everyone, sorry sis we didn't know" Lydia said calm and apologizing. She bowed her head charming. "Good to see you Moonlyn" she said. I smiled and bowed back. "You too sis. You too". Jimin stood up behind me lowering himself. He was afraid. I smiled sweet at him so he knew he had nothing to get scared of. I put my tail at his shoulder. Licking his nose. He calmed and got at the same niveau as me. I turned to Lydia. "We are not here to fight sis. Killer here got into a fight with Ash and we helped him and his wounds" "thank you sis, Killer i said not to fight ash again" Lydia said turning with a angry look at Killer. Killer pinned his ears to his head and wanted to have a discussion but before he could even say a word. Lydia sushed him silence with her tail. "No" she said cold "i dont want to hear it, dont talk back to me" with that Killer bowed looking away to the ground digging his paws into the dirt. I could tell you his face and eyes were showing sadness and submissive. I signed. So my sis kept them scared of herself and submissive. In my opinion. You can only be alpha if you got respected. Not that everyone is afraid of you. She was leading her pack with fear as weakness. So many things could go wrong. But at the same time it made them stronger in a really bad way. "Did i have introduce you my new warriors yet?" Lydia said standing proud with honor. I shook my head no. "No you didn't" i smiled. "In a line!" Lydia yelled. And all her members, even Killer, got into a straight line. She started to walk past one by one. And saying they're names one by one. She got past a big beautiful blue dragon. "Space" before she could even say it space took one step forwards and got into the line after standing there for 10 seconds. When my sis said a name the warrior would do the same as Space. One by one she did it. A really tiny light brown dragon: "King". The dragon we rescued: "Killer". A beautiful wolf with black shiny fur. "Scott". A grey wolf. "Derek". And a white grey wolf. "Malia". And then she got past a really fat dragon, that wasn't really the prettiest dragon i have ever seen. "Goose". I tried not to laugh by that name but giggled a bit. "We lost a member, he escaped out of our territory. His name is Damey. Have you may see him?" By sis asked looking curious at me. O shit. Yes the black pack had found him and i saved him from death. So he joined my pack.. but i never knew it was her member... "yes... he joined my pack, i saved him before the black pack killed him" i said really uncomfortable. My sis looked at me full disgust. I felt myself under my furr becoming all red of shame. "I didn't know..." i said trying to say sorry. I know how much my sis hates it when a member didn't want to be in her pack. "Ok" she said cold. "You can leave" i bowed my head and was walking back home with Blyless and Nina. But Killer ran to us. And stopped in front of us. "Wait!...." He said coming by breath. I stood still like 10 minutes because he couldn't find the rights words to speak. "Yes?" I said curious. "I wanted to say thank you for helping me.." he said shy but smiling. I smiled back "your welcome" i bowed and then continued walking. I looked over my shoulder. At killer. "We will meet again one day. I feel it, see you until then" with that i nodded one last time and spread my wings. Putted my capuchon on. And flied back home with Nina and Blyless....

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