Ash his revenge

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I woke up not being able to see well. It was so dark. Then i realized i had a blacked over my head. I pulled it off and saw a bright light coming into my eyes. "Gosh!" I said trying to see. When my eyes got used to the light I looked around. O i remember i fell asleep on the rock. Did someone bring me this blanket? I sniffed at it and smelled my brother Jimin his paws. I smiled by the thought he was always so protective and caring. I got up and rolled in a tiny water pool. When i was sure i was all clean. I got out and shook all the wet drops out of my fur. I stretched my legs and back. I shook one last time my head and looked around. There was to prey on the prey pile. I sighed. Guess i need to hunt myself. I got my thoughts in my head empty, concentrate myself and sniffed the air. I smelled rabbit. Nope i wanted big prey so i decided to sniff a bit further. I start running through the fields. I got one with the nature and smelled around me. When i suddenly heard a howl from Ash. He's in our territory.... And howled for me?... i start running towards it. Wait. I stopped. Maybe its a trap. Maybe i need to take someone with me. I need to go get help. "Aaaaggg!!!!"that's Pinksparkle!! She was going this morning to Ash I remember now. I ran as fast as i could. I don't care if I'm alone i need to safe her. When i arrived i saw Ash putting her into a big machine. Her eyes were becoming black and she got a big helmet on. She was getting brainwashed!! I growled at ash. "I'm coming sweetie! Ash let her go or i will rip your eyes out your nasty-." "Not so fast Mooni... its already to late. She is becoming a fight machine! I'm gonna use her to destroy all your territory! She belongs to me now! She should have never come back!" Ash said. And when i wanted to growl something back. It was too late. Pinksparkle got big claws and her devil horns where bigger then ever before. She bled a lot and ears where rolling down her cheeks. But she didn't scream. She was staring deep away from here. Her eyes stared a cold look out. This wasn't her... ash turned into his human form and pointed with a walking stick, with a gold round thing on the top where he holds him, at me. "Get her" he said smirking at me. I pinned my ears at my back in shock. I'm not gonna fight my own fluffing daughter!! I decided to ran off as high and far as i could. "Try me" i said trying to challenge him. I didn't want him to know i was scared. I never wanna show him how he could get me weak. I spread my wings and flied as fast as the light in the sky. But Pinksparkle had stronger powers then me. My powers and ash his powers where mixed together as hers. I howled as loud as i could. I saw Jimin already fighting ash on the ground. He must have heard Pinksparkle scream. When Pinksparkle was almost being able to fight me i stopped right in front of her. "Stop! Sweetheart this isn't you" i said looking sad and still shocked. She stopped and for a moment i saw fear in her eyes. Her eyes where for not long shining white and normal. But it wasn't lasting for long when they turned black again and she was flied toward me. I closed my eyes in fear. And then a blue strange body saved me before Pinksparkle fired me.....

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