Healing zombie

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It has been weeks later and sparkles has been recovered. But still no cure for Invader. It was on and on drama. Well there was 1 thing new. We smelled a new creature in our territory. A boy from Ash his Blood pearl pack. My head was full questions. "Sis! Sis!" I heard Jimin shout. He got me out of my thoughts. "There's a visitor!" He howled. I got up as fast as i could and ran to the  sound of his voice. I jumped next to him growling. But stopped when i saw it was my sis that lived by the humans. My sis Maya, she's a K9 dog and works for human. "Nova! What are you doing here?" I asked. Nova smiled "just wanted to see my big sis" i bowed and smiled. "You can stay here as long as you want your always welcome here!" I said friendly. She nodded and smiled. "Come i will show you where we eat and sleep" Jimin said friendly smiling leading her to the prey pit. I saw far away Moemie getting bullied by Damey and Leah the 2 higher ranked wolves. Couldn't expect more from them. I rolled my eyes and sprint my way to them. I jumped over Moemie protective and said with 1 loud growl "Leave." They backed up really scared. They know how high ranked they're leader was. i saw Leah wanting to fight me. She was challenging me by circling around me. "Ill go" Damey said running away. But Leah didn't. "Why should i lissen hm? I'm stronger then you" she said cold. I growled and let my eyes glow purple to show my power. "Leave, last warning Leah" i said angry. Moemie was a child i loved with all my heart. She lost her dad and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her more then he did. She was just a cub. "No" leah said smirking. Fine she asked for it. "What you want" i said unfolding my claws. I gave her a huge scar in her face. "Ill add another scar on your body" i said angry. She roared back as response. We fought for a few minutes. It was too easy to defeat her. But when I thought she finally gave up. She turned into a dragon. When she wanted to ice me. My sis Maya jumped infront of me to catch it. She bit the ice away. They got into a huge fight. I know Maya was weaker then Leah because Leah was a big wolf and Maya a dog. But her bite was really strong. She hold on Leahs neck really tight and dragged her to the ground like a big slam. I felt the ground moving under my paws. I checked Moemie real fast. She had some scratches but not much. They where able to heal. She was tired i saw. They probably have bullied her this hole evening. I picked her up. I turned to maya and Leah they stopped fighting and Leah ran away too like Damey did a moment ago. Maya smiled greeting me. I nodded greeting back not able to speak with a cub in my mouth. I walked to the medicin den to let Moemie check. I wanted to make sure she isn't in danger or hurt badly. And that's when i heard Death scream for her life. I wanted to look but Moemie is loosing so much blood that she started to faint. "I'll check dont worry sis" maya said running to the scream of death. I ran as fast as i could to the medicin den from sparkles. Sparkles was busy sorting herbs as always. I gently laid Moemie down and screamed for sparkles name. She immediately came. "What happend?" She said worried bringing Moemie fast to a nest. Sparkles starts to get herbs that take pain away. When she was busy treating Moemie i told her everything what happend. "Damey and Leah were bullying her again" i said telling the hole story. "She's going to be okay" sparkles said a while later. "I heard death scream. Go help her okay? Moemie is going to be okay" sparkles said calm. I nodded and sprinted my way to death. When i got inside i saw invader... well mostly of him. He was all looking like a zombie but now he was healing at the same time... was he turning into a zombie or was he getting better?....

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