A new kit

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"Give her some space!" I screamed. Poekie was having another kit and she needed some rest getting it. But everyone wanted to see her new kit coming. Oh before i forgot, it has been a few days. Invader has been healed. Ghost and Moonclaw where still not back with hunting the fox down. Me and blyless tried to get after them but they where gone already. The few days i kept sending patrols to find them but still nothing. Moemie was healed. She was resting so her scars could heal. Damey and Leah has been punished, they needed to clean all the dens even the ones that hasn't been used for years. They have been cleaning them and when they were done they rested in they're own dens. They where really tired. I didn't felt bad at all, they didn't need to hurt my child. It's they're own fault. "They're here!" Speedcorn, the sis of sparkles, said happy. "I'm so proud of you mom!" Spottedheart, the other sis of Speedcorn and sparkles, said looking proud at Poekie. "She looks like Sparkles" Poekie said looking lovely at her. They were both pink but this kitten had purple spots. "My little Pinkieheart" Poekie said with a lovley look at the new kit. "That's a beautiful name" sparkles turned to her mom "she's really beautiful." I crawled into the den "congratulations with your new kit" Poekie smiled. "Thank you darling" i got out her den and just then i saw the same to eyes again i saw one time in the woods. Does that mean.... Ash came again....?

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