Training plans and zombie sickness

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"Ahrwoooooo! Let every youngster that is strong enough to walk, come together by the meeting rock!" I roared. "Can mines come too Moonlyn?" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around. It was Death. "Yes of course dear!" I said smiling. She is always so sweet. I wanted to let out my second roar, to get everyone, on the meeting rock but i got stopped by Safire. One of Ninas child's. He flied as fast as he could to me. "problems by our borders boss! Invader is hurt. Someone tries to get in our territory!" He said panicking. I set up borders and a big protecting shield around our territory since Ash tries to send his tigers to kill kits and cubs. After the dead of Cloverkit i wanted to be more careful. "Jimin, Kion follow me. Death get Sparkles. Safire get Lassie to protect the cubs. Say she needs to go to the meeting rock and stay there with them." I said commanding my members. I clapped out my wings and turned into my human fight form. I got my wolf tail and panther ears on sharp. I flied to the border where Invader always stands. Jimin and Kion ran really fast through the forest to catch up with me. I saw invader hurt with his eyes closed on the border statue. And i saw Shera Khan! For fluffs sake no! I jumped in front of Shera Khan between Invader and him. "Leave" i hissed protecting Invader. I saw in the corner of my eye that he was barley breathing. "It's okay invader i got your back buddy" i said holding eye contact with Shera Khan. And just then Jimin and Kion surrounded him. "We got you trapped, your gonna exactly tell us what you did to invader and what your and Ash's his plans are for the war" Kion said growling angry. "I will rip you apart if you try to escape" Jimin said smirking. Shera Khan didn't say anything he only held a dead stare with my eyes. I wasn't afraid of him. "Bit me and you will get as sick as invader is over there" he said cold. "I'm a tiger zombie. Remember?" Shit... is invader now turning into a zombie too? I turned to invader. Invader can't just turn into a zombie! His wounds where so deep. I hope he will get beter..."Invader say something..." i said worried. Invader opened his eyes and i saw his eyes where all red just like the eyes of Shera khan. Invader was possessed! "GRRRR" invader growled turning to me. Shit no... invader jumped at me trying to bit me. I jumped away fast. "No I'm not hurting you invader! Stop it!" I said panicking. I don't want to turn into a zombie too... i need to survive for my pack. I made myself big and got my teeth's ready with my power. So when i bite invader he only will get into a deep sleep and i wont turn into a zombie. I set all my back fur up and growled. "Fine, get me" i said challenging him. Jimin and Kion, or KP its how you want to call my brother, got ready to defend me. Invader jumped and i bit his neck holding him. He got into a sleep really fast. When he was sleeping i turned to Shera Khan. "Okay now..." before i could finish my sentence SheraKhan was gone. Shit! Nobody was watching him!! I signed. "Dammit. Okay new plan. KP brother get new power warriors to protect this border. Some of our smartest members please. And Jimin come help me bringing Invader back so we can chain him in the medicine den and try to heal him from this zombie sickness. Before the zombie inside him destroys him" i said lifting Invader up. "Yes sis" KP said and ran towards the territory. Ash was making us weak.. he tried to make it easier for him to win the war. But i wont give up. Together we will defeat him... "sis?" Jimin said with a sweet voice like a noticed there was something on my mind. "You alright sissy?" I nodded. "Yea.. its just that if Ash makes us weaker how are we gonna destroy him?..." i said looking at the ground. Jimin walked a few steps further and then stopped. I stopped too before Invaders body fell of. I saw Jimin thinking. "Please keep walking brother before he wakes up" i said worried. "O yea sorry sis... its just..." he started to walk again. "It's what..?" I said curious. He looked at me with a warm smile. I started to walk too. "Maybe we don't have to destroy him. Everyone deep inside has a good person and a good heart. And everyone deserves a change. But with some people it will take longer" he said warmly. Hmmm... maybe my brother has right. Jimin looked at me while i thought. It's just I'm worried how much trouble its gonna take. And maybe Ash don't even want to stand by my side.. "what if ash don't want to be on my side?" I said worried. "He doesn't have to join our pack sis. He just has to understand that being a good person isn't that bad. He needs to see our side of the story. The story of you Vs ash. He needs to see your life and how you see things. Maybe then he will change his mind" Jimin said. Woah Jimin this has been the wisest words i have ever heard out of your mouth. "Your right brother. So what do you want to do?" I said. And just then he smiled with the most sweetest smile ever. I just couldn't describe it in words. The plans where going to change...

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