Chapter 29

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!Blood, Torture!

I don't understand what happen.... What happen? Daryl asks in anger. We don't know man! Dean yells out in frustration.

Why was she out there? Michonne asks gritting her teeth. Jasmine was just trying to help, she didn't want anymore people dying... she saw the vision and wanted to keep it from happening. Sam explains.

For all we know she's dead now. Daryl spats. Maggie and Glenn made it to hilltop on time didn't they? Dean asks in frustration.

Yeah, they did. Rick states. That's all Jasmine cared about, she just wanted to save everyone and get Maggie and Glenn to Hilltop. Dean explains.

What about her?! She doesn't deserve this shit! Daryl yells out. I-I can't lose her again. Michonne says as tears fall down her face.

I keep having nightmare of her outside the hospital, her body just limp... or, I dream about actually witnessing her getting shot.. Michonne states as her lips quiver.

We will figure it out, we're gonna talk with Jack and Cass. Sam states. Daryl scoffs. This is all bullshit. Daryl spats.

We didn't even know this was possible. Sam states with a frustrated sigh. We got Negan in a cell, we just gotta worry about his other men that we didn't get to, we don't know how many hideouts he's got. Rick states.

What do we need to know about this Chuck guy? Abraham asks. He's basically God. Dean states. That's why we need Jack.. Sam says with a sigh.

Rick! Beth yells out as she rushes up to them. It's Hershel! He-he had a heart attack... and-and.. Beth stutters her words as tears fall down her face.

Me and Michonne are gonna go check on Hershel, y'all come up with a plan. Rick states as they rush off.

Hershel, he's stable for now, but we don't know how much more time he has. Rosita states sadly. He's a fighter, he'll get through this so he can meet his grandson. Michonne states placing her hand on Ricks back.

Jas, she saved our ass back there with Negan... I can't believe she ever forgave me for the governor. Rick says as they walk back outside.

She always puts others before herself. Michonne says with a small smile. When we get her back and Hershel is back to feeling better we are gonna have one big dinner and a celebration. Rick says kissing Michonne's head.

That sounds like a great idea. Michonne says with a smile. Agreed. Rosita says with a small smile. Are we gonna find Jas? Carl asks walking up to Michonne and Rick with Judith in his arms.

Yeah buddy, we are. Rick says nodding to Carl. I wanna help. Carl says with a pleading look. I think you should stay here and help keep an eye on Judith and Hershel. Rick states.

Carl lets out a frustrated sigh. Did y'all know Carol left. Carl says sadly. We will find her too okay. Rick says with a small smile.

Carl just nods his head and walks off with Judith as she makes giggling sounds and messes with Carl's hair.

I feel bad for Daryl and Jas. Michonne states as they sit on the porch. They never get a break... they were so close to having a family... Michonne says with a sigh.

I know, Hopefully things will calm down after we get her back and Hershel is better. Rick says as he places his hand over Michonne's.


I don't like you. Chuck states glaring at Jasmine. Then why not let me go. Jasmine states with a sarcastic smile.

Jasmine is Tied up to a chair in a dark room with one light. Chuck rolls his eyes. You are changing things in this universe and I don't like it. Chuck spats.

Okay... Look will you just skip to the part about what your going to do to me so we can get this over with... Jasmine states rolling her eyes.

Chuck just glares at her. Jasmine groans in annoyance. It'd be a shame if after I let you go Daryl finds out you can't have kids period.. Chuck says with a smirk.

Screw you. Jasmine spats. He will chase after Carol and they will live happy ever after with Sophia. Chuck states with a grin.

Or! or I send you back to your universe and you never see Maggie, Beth, or Michonne again... Or I kill Hershel and maybe even Glenn and Abraham! Chuck says the last part with a wicked grin.

No! Don't hurt any of them. Jasmine pleads. It'll be a while before they find us, so this gives me time to torture you. Chuck says as he circles around Jasmine.

Chuck grabs a fist full of her hair and yanks her head back. He takes a knife and places among her throat.

He glides the knife across her neck cutting it open. Blood starts pouring out. If I let this go on for too long you'll die... Chuck watches her struggle as the blood just pours out.

Chuck hovers his hand over her neck healing the cut but she starts choking on the blood. Chuck snaps his fingers completely healing her.

She lets out a breath and lets her head hang low. Your taking this torture like a champ! How much torture did you deal with in the other universe? Chuck asks with a wicked smile.

A lot. Jasmine states as she grits her teeth. She clinches her jaw in anger as she watches this other Chuck pace back and forth.

Chuck snaps his fingers again and she grits her teeth and tears start falling from her eyes from the pain. I just made your appendix bust, matter of minutes and you'll die. Chuck states with a smirk.

He snaps his fingers again healing her. In every universe I've seen how your family dies, how many years has it been now? Chuck asks turning to face her.

Don't know, I don't think about it much.. Jasmine states in annoyance. You made one mistake causing them to die... just like that. Chuck states snapping his fingers for the last part.

It was an accident, we all make mistakes... Jasmine states trying to push away the guilt. That's what got them killed was your mistake, You missed counted how many vamps were there. Chuck states.

Screw. You. You wasn't there. Jasmine spats. But I was, I've seen it all... I've seen you fail over and over again. Chuck states gripping a tight hold on Jasmine's jaw.

Chuck! step away from her! Jack yells out standing infront of them. You- you shouldn't be here. Chuck states in annoyance.

Let her go. Jack spats in anger. Chuck lets out an annoyed sigh. Jasmine watches as the others rush in the building.

You are nothing here. Jack states as he snaps his fingers. Jasmine becomes free and Daryl rush's up to her.

What's going on? Chuck asks as he starts freaking out on the inside. Daryl cups his hands on Jasmines face constantly apologizing to her.

You have no power anywhere Chuck. Jack states glaring down at Chuck. This isn't the last you will see of me. Chuck states glaring at them.

How's Maggie? Jasmine asks as they walk out of the building. She's good, so is their baby. Daryl says holding to Jasmine tightly.

Negan is in a cell, we have people hunting down his men. Dean states giving Jasmine a small smile. We do need to talk to you about Hershel. Sam says nervously. Jasmine's heart sinks.

No. Jasmine says in a whisper. He's alive for now, but we don't know how much longer he has. Sam states giving Jasmine a sad look.

How's Beth doing? Jasmine asks. She's handling the best she can. Dean says with a sigh. Jasmine nods her head as they continue heading back home.

Hey. Daryl says holding Jasmine back. What's wrong? Jasmine asks as she cups her hand on Daryl's face, Daryl leans into her touch.

He gazes into her eyes. I love you, so much. Daryl says as he places his hand on her cheek. She pushes up on her toes colliding her lips with his.

It was long, but sweet kiss. They smile while kissing. Lets go home. Daryl says kissing her head. Jasmine lets out a satisfied hum.

Dean watches in Jealousy, he knows he messed up a long time ago... but he's hoping he could try again with her and get to know her better...

That's it for this chapter!! Leave a comment and let me know what y'all think!! Don't forget to vote!!

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