Chapter 20

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So, Ghosts, demon, angels, Lucifer... it all exists? Rick asks. Mhm, werewolves, shape shifters, Vamps. I mumble. They only exist in your universe right? Sasha asks. Hopefully not in this universe no. I say.

I knew He was real, what's he like? Gabriel asks me. A dick, I'm glad we killed him. I state. You killed God? Gabriel asks.

Believe me or not, but someone else is in charge now.... and he's been making things better. I say with a small smile.

I don't believe you... I prayed to God, I called for help and they showed up and helped me. Gabriel says.

I bust out laughing. Is he serious? I ask still laughing. I knew you'd get a laugh at of him. Daryl says with a scoff.

I am serious. I have followed him for years, I won't stop. He says glaring at me. Hey, you do you buddy, I'm just telling my side of the story. I state.

Do you think, maybe we coulda helped? Maggie asks nervously. Naw, I would've lost more people.... I couldn't live with that... I say.

You think we can live without you? You think I can live without you? Daryl asks. I let out a sigh. I know you all can... God had a timer on my head.... that day at the hospital... my time ran up that day. I state.

They couldn't do anything till after... Jack, he had a plan... told me to trust him... so I did, now I'm here... I'm back with my family. I say putting my hand over Daryl's. We're glad your back, we missed you. Hershel says with a smile.

Don't leave again... please... Sophia says staring up at me.. I pinky swear. I say holding my pinky to her. She wraps her pinky around mine. Next time you leave we gotta go with you, Cause I think Judith missed you. Carl says.

It's gets tiring watching that guy be all gloomy while you were gone. Merle says with a chuckle. I chuckle.

Whatever you were worried the most. Daryl states. Hell yeah I was, now I find out I have a niece or nephew, I'm definitely happy now. Merle says smiling at me.

I'm back now... for good. I say with a small smile looking at everyone. Hey, we found this guy outside. He was watching from a distance. Abraham says.

I-I come in peace. He says with his hands in the air. Why are you watching us? Rick asks glaring at him.

I go out looking for survivors, to find good people and bring them back to our community. He says. Everyone eyes him.

Check my bag. He sates. He takes his bag off slowly putting it on the ground. Rick grabs it looking through it.

Baby food? Rick says. I saw y'all had a baby... He says nervously. Rick opens it and takes the spoon putting it up to the guys face.

Eat it. Rick says. I don't really like apple sauce. He says. nervously. How do we know if this isn't poisoned? Rick asks. He takes the bite of the baby food.

See nothing, I wouldn't harm a baby, I swear. He says. My boyfriend he's waiting at a car a mile or so from here. He says.

How about a few of us go. I say to Rick. We check it out... come back to get the others. Rick says. He pulls some pictures out of the bag.

What is this? Rick asks. Those are pictures of the community. He says. Take us to this car... then we'll talk. Rick says. We decided to just stick together, after everything they went through here while I was gone..

There was a car and an Rv. I rode in the car with Rick, Michonne, Glenn and the guy, Aaron. I'm in the back seat.

Rick opens the glove compartment finding license plates. Uhm, I'm trying to collect all fifty states and put them up in my house. Aaron says.

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