Chapter 30

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I let out a grunt as my eyes flutter open. I take in my surroundings, I'm still trapped... Daryl, Sam, Dean, Jack... It was all a dream... I'm still stuck in the hell hole.

I let out a defeated sigh. "Did you really think they'd find you?" I hear Chucks annoying voice. "Kill me already." I roll my eyes.

"Nah, it'd be too easy, plus I'm not finished with you yet." He has a devilish grin on his face. "When they find me and they will, your dead." I glare at him.

"jokes on you, they think your dead." He says in my ear. "W-what?" "That's right, I wouldn't be surprised of he's with what's her name again?" He taps his finger on his chin.

"Carol." I stare at him coldly. "Carol, that's right." He snaps his finger and points at me with a grin on his face.

"Don't you get it, he can have a family with Carol, he'll be Sophia's new dad." Chuck grins widely. I just glare at him.

"He can't have a family with you because your always sacrifice yourself for others, which means no kids.." He pokes out his bottom lip and makes a pouty face.

I ignore his comment. "When Jack and Cass find you, your dead." I grit my teeth. "That's if they can find you first." Chuck smirks at me.

~Daryl's pov~

"She's not dead, she can't be..." Beth argues. "We already lost our dad, we need to have hope that we can find her." Maggie states.

"I don't understand why me or Jack can't find her..." Cass lets out an annoyed sigh. "We're not trying hard enough that's why." Dean states.

"What if she is dead? we can't keep risking people looking for her." Eugene states. "Say another word and I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to the walkers." Abraham spats.

"I won't give up looking for her, I know she's still alive." I state glaring at Eugen. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes. "I'm with Daryl, we need her, she's our family." Carol says with a small smile.

"I'm going to." Michonne adds with a nod. "We will set up groups to go on search parties for her." Rick nods to me.

He lays a map out on a picnic table and circles areas for each of us to search. "she's gonna be okay, she's a fighter." Beth states from beside me.

I scoff. "That she definitely is." I listen to Rick come up with a plan when someone's screams interrupt him.

"Hi." A man says with Simons head in his hand. "Oh, this man was trying to break Negan out." He tosses Simons head to the ground.

"Who are you?" Rick asks stepping out infront of us. "Chuck." Dean says from beside me. "Hi boys, missed me?" He grins.

"Where is Jasmine?" Sam asks. "Don't you just wanna know if she's okay, alive?" He starts casually pacing back and forth.

"Is she alive?" I ask eagerly. "Yes, thank you for asking." He beams a smile at me. "She is a feisty little thing, I've tried breaking her down, making her give up hope on all of you.... but she won't budge." He rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"I knew she'd never give up, she really is a fighter." "I tried making her think you left her for carol here, that didn't work either..." You can see the disappointment on his face.

"Why are you here?" Carol asks. "I'm here to find something to make her lose hope." He taps his finger on his chin. "Hershel is dead!" Eugen yells out.

We all turn and Glare at Eugene. "Hershel, he must of meant a lot to her." He grins. "Eugene shut up." Abraham spats.

"No, Eugene please tell me." Chuck walks closer to us. "From what I gather, he was like a dad to her, one she never had." Eugene nods to him nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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