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Flora and Skylar had met in their usual spot at the lake between the kingdoms like they would do at least every Sunday to relax from their duties and catch up on each other's weeks and have a chat, as well as sometimes go back to training out of fun. After a short sword fight, they had just taken a break.
Flora calmly walked towards a big tree nearby the edge of the lake and took a seat on an old vine and wood bench that she had made long ago for the two of them and in which they'd usually sit to rest and talk. The queen calmly retracted the sword and set the scabbard aside, turning towards the prince with a smile and waiting for him to sit next to her like usual. "Good fight as always, Skylar. Your resistance always impresses me" she said, complimenting.

After the short sword fight he let out a brief exhale and smile slightly, retrieving his sword as well and following up to take a seat next to her on the bench. "Thank you, so do your quick attacks" he returned a compliment, glancing at Flora "Thanks to you I get to improve as well"

"I'm glad to hear that. I think we both need some time to unload our stress in a fight" she said, calmly setting her hands onto her lap and crossing her legs elegantly. "So? Anything new? How has your week been?" She asked still smiling softly at him.

"I agree, yeah" he nodded and listened to her question "It was good so far, I suppose. The usual paperwork and whatnot" he set his hands beside himself on the bench "How about you? How was your week?" He asked her as well

She chuckled softly and glanced towards the lake, enjoying the sight for a moment before answering "Nothing much new on my side either. I just sent some invitation letters to nearby kingdoms I heard of to see if they're interested in opening a connection with mine for trading. Other than that, I feel like this week could turn out to be pretty special, but that's all I can say" She glanced back at him with a smile and laughed softly
He watched her as she answered and glanced at the lake as well before turning back to her "Really? I guess I can also say that this week might turn out quite special" the prince added with yet another slight smile

She raised her eyebrows at that sentence and fully turned to him, giving him all her attention and curiosity. "Oh? May I ask what that's about?" She smiled a little more; for a moment she was also thinking it could have been the same motive as her.

"A-ah...well I'm not sure if I can already tell you" he glanced away towards the lake again and thought for a moment, seeming as if he got a little bashful at that question. "Mmh...Well. I mean I'll have to tell you sooner or later but uhm" he paused for another moment "This may be coming out of the blue...but I'll have a wedding coming up soon" he chuckled a little still flustered. "And I thought could come as well? If you have the time and motivation?"

She seemed to get a little more anxious as he began talking and getting bashful, her smile growing a little bigger in the hope that would be the moment he might perhaps ask her out or admit to something. When hearing about the wedding, her smile only briefly faded and turned more into confusion as she didn't seem to understand what he was talking about. "" She pulled herself back a little to get composed and try to process the situation, chuckling hesitantly "I apologize, I don't think I understand. What wedding? Are you messing with me or...?" She scoffed, thinking he wasn't serious

He saw her seeming to get a little confused at the answer and tried to reply "No not really, I'm going to have a wedding soon. I'm kind of agitated about this whole thing myself" he admitted "I'm currently still working on the invitations myself as well, hence why it's not as public right now."

She noticed him talking seriously and her smile faded completely while she was still confused about the situation. "Wait- you didn't tell me about a fiancé? You didn't even tell me about a girlfriend or a crush or anything of such, this is very sudden" she said hesitantly, looking up at him "Are you sure you're not messing with me?" She asked again, furrowing her eyebrows and smirking for a moment "With all the times we hang out and the fact we talk about everything, you would have told me before, right?" She asked, staring at him but beginning to take it a little more seriously the longer she faced him "...right?" She sounded less playful now.

He listened to her and noticed her mood having somewhat changed, as he furrowed his eyebrows slightly "Well you see, over the week where we wouldn't see each other I was getting engaged and it's quite a fast process too. A little too fast for my liking as well if I have to be honest but...yeah no, I'm getting pretty much married. And I got to tell you just today" he tried to explain to her "You know how families can get a little pushy when it comes to that"

Flora seemed to be practically speechless when she got the confirmation that it was all serious. She stayed silent for a moment and adjusted herself on the bench, thinking about what to say although she was suddenly having a bad feeling she couldn't quite explain or understand herself. She simply ended up chuckling to hide it and tilted her head "Well then, congratulations Skylar. It appears you'll marry before me and be a king by law after all, I'm happy for you" she said in a normal tone of voice, trying her best not to mind the news "Who's the lucky one? Someone from your kingdom...?" She asked

He smiled slightly back at that, although it felt somewhat odd to him in a way. "Ah, thank you" he let out a brief chuckle before turning to the lake and glancing at the shores "No, it's someone from a different Kingdom further away from here. My parents had suggested I to get married to the princess of that Kingdom after they had gotten acquainted with her parents." He explained

"I see..." she said as she faced the same direction as him. She was still trying to control her emotions although she began feeling her body getting a little warm due to her powers. "...Sure, I'll be there for the wedding if that would make you happy" she confirmed, although she felt a sting in her chest after saying it, and the grass below the bench had turned a little grayer but the shadow was making it pretty unnoticeable.

"Thanks a million, that's such a relief.." he thanked her and sighed "Your company means a lot to me" he added and turned to her, still having an odd feeling about her nonetheless "But say, what was the special thing you were talking about from your side. You've gotten me quite curious" he smiled softly, trying to change the topic

"Of course, I wouldn't want to let you down on such an important occasion" She smiled sadly but widened her eyes when he mentioned what she said again, quickly thinking of a fake excuse. "Of course, yes, well ..." she cleared her throat "...I was simply happy to announce that, this week- the crops are doing great" she answered improvising "Which will be great for my kingdom, that is simply all. And speaking of crops..." she said, standing and patting her clothes clean while reaching for her sword "I apologize but I should be on my way back already, some farmers asked my help with their fruits"

"Oh, that's great to hear!" he smiled softly hearing about the news before he noticed her having stood up from the bench, looking up at her "Ah- Yeah, of course. No problem" he nodded "I'll send you the invitation once I'll get it done, alright? I look forward to seeing you soon again, Flora" the prince added

"Of course, I'll be waiting for it." She said and bowed briefly to him "Once again, congratulations. I'm happy for you... until next time, Skylar" she said a little more plainly but showing somewhat of a smile before she turned around and left in silence, disappearing into the depth of the forest

He bowed a little with his head and watched her walk away after saying bye to him, remaining seated on the bench and observing the lake for a longer while getting a little thoughtful about his situation. Eventually, he decided to get up as well and go back to his duties

Royal AU: Yellow JessamineWhere stories live. Discover now