Sir Muflier

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After taking the antidote, Flora seemed to go back more and more to her old personality except physically she was never getting better and still worse although at a slower pace than before. She was still advised to take many breaks to avoid overworking and making herself worse, and during those, she'd simply read to get her mind off her work. Michael still brought her books daily, which she managed to finish in a matter of hours each. That afternoon she was having tea with Das while holding a book about kingdoms in her hand. She read about the purple kingdom first, then the ones of her parents but not her own as it was fairly more recent than the book itself and therefore not written there, but there were many things already about the blue kingdom based on Skylar's ancestors as well as many others. "This is so interesting" she commented while taking a sip.

Although never mentioned the man felt somewhat relieved that Flora had felt better over time except physically, unsure what it might've been that was hurting her. He took a sip from his tea and glanced toward her, having heard her comment. "Mh? Which one are you reading about?" He asked, having seen what it was about by looking at the cover

"I just finished the chapter about the Miles family," she said, smiling a bit sadly and tilting her head as if immediately thinking of Sky "It's no wonder the prince has such a past of honorable people" she mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows a little as her smile faded lightly "I mean, King..." She reminded herself, sighing and turning the page to go on to the next chapters and reading them quietly for a few minutes, then continuing to go through different pages.

Watching her expression when she mentioned the Miles family as well as hearing her correct herself with her smile fading a little, he refrained from asking anything about it and took another sip meanwhile. "Quite a thick book. Surely mentions Royal families across multiple regions, doesn't it?" He asked, a little curious about himself but not as much as a Queen

"Yeah, I'm seeing a lot here" she answered, trying not to think of Sky momentarily until she stopped at a page and raised her eyebrows a little. "Oh. There's the yellow kingdom, too" she said, a little surprised to find info about it but beginning to read silently and appearing quite focused.

"Hm? The yellow one?" He repeated, seeing that she was already reading about it and focusing. He was a bit unsure but he briefly remembered that Skylar's wife might've been from that specific one, understanding why Flora might've been surprised about that one in the first place

She was so focused on it at one point that she lowered her tea cup and brought a hand to her forehead for support, silently reading all the information and changing the page. "So many things are... scribbled over and rewritten...?" She mumbled, leaning a bit closer as if trying to see what was underneath but struggling. She pulled herself back up and looked around for a moment to think before she had an idea, snapping her fingers and creating a small flame out of her index fingertip that made quite enough light. She opened the page carefully and put her hand behind it, now reading more easily thanks to the light passing through although some words were still hidden.

He drank a bit more from his cup before she mentioned that there were things scribbled over the page and rewritten. Seeing her use her power to help her read the hidden words he became a little more curious about it and set down his cup, watching her silently for a moment to let her focus. Only after a bit did he speak again "Got anything so far?"

She read for a little longer until she began saying out loud the words. "The family ruling over such kingdom has been discovered to be lying about the lack of their powers, often victimizing themselves as "cursed". Recently, however, a noticeable amount of people came forward and suggested that they felt they had been hypnotized by the same rulers. After further research thanks to people disgusting themselves as staff of the castle, those rumors were noted to be true. Following this discovery, it's clear to say the Yellow Kingdom's powers focus on mind control, and hypnosis, and mostly work in situations filled with emotions. This secret power explains the several kingdoms that they conquered without the need for wars by instead hypnotizing other rulers into signing and patterning up, or arranging forced marriages. After further research, all the people involved with such hypnosis end up getting killed by the family at one point to make sure the secret stays locked away and the power is*

*all theirs." She finished reading the sentence, as the rest was too ruined for her to understand. She almost looked frozen in place, with her eyes widened while processing the info and her mouth half open as she let the flame die out, even lowering the book and staring into nothing for a second. "Hyp.. nos...? Marriage...?" She repeated, her voice a bit shaky as she visibly looked tense and genuinely worried and in disbelief

As he listened to what she was reading and raised his eyebrows at that "Oh— So I was right after all. I didn't think you'd get hypnotized by her specifically. Huh..." He tapped his finger on the table for a moment before speaking up again "Then again it does explain now why he married someone so suddenly, doesn't it?" He commented, glancing back at Flora

Flora still seemed surprised and realized the whole situation as she partially listened to Das, until her expression turned into one that resembled anger. "Murder..." she mumbled, glancing back at Das. "That- That!-" she inhaled deeply, trying her best to keep her manners and clenching her fists, realizing her anger by slamming her fist on the table instead and baring her teeth. "How dare she!" She exclaimed although she got so overworked that she began coughing heavily and had to cover her mouth quickly for a moment.

He flinched briefly at the loud noise from her slamming the table. "Woah- it's no use getting so worked up over it right now" he commented in a more concerted way than it sounded, due to her coughing heavily. He turned to her and briefly set a hand on her shoulder as she coughed "Yelling like that might make your conditions worse, be careful" he added taking his hand back to himself slowly

She kept coughing for a bit but slowly managed to catch her breath again. "I know- I know..." she mumbled weakly, sighing shakily and thinking for a little. After a moment of silence, she slowly stood up and walked to her wardrobe looking for something, actually looking a bit distressed. "He's... He's in danger. She could do something to him..." she mumbled worriedly, reaching for some different clothes and a dark cape, and setting them on the bed. "I need to go check..."

Seeing slowly stand up and walk to the wardrobe, reaching for some clothes to put on and hearing what she was saying "Wh-.Are you sure you want to go there /now/? In those conditions?" He questioned her decision, standing up as well and facing her

"Haven't I wasted enough time?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows "But you're right, I'm not quite ready, I want just enough time to get organized and I'll depart tomorrow. I can't let them see me, or she'll do the same thing over again or manipulate someone else to get me to leave." she said, turning to Das "As long as I'm busy with that, you're in charge. I might stay there a few days to see how things go" she said, looking back at her clothes "I think Jennifer could be able to help me go unnoticed. I'll ask her to meet me by the entrance of the kingdom tomorrow early in the morning. Call me a messenger, please" she said, strictly giving orders and seeming a bit in a rush to get done organizing.

He furrowed his eyebrows when he listened to her idea and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment "I think that you're out of your mind with that idea but... alright fine. I kind of do like your determination sometimes." He walked towards the door "I'll get you a messenger right away" he added before leaving the room and doing as she requested

Flora smiled to herself at what he said and continued searching around her room for things that she'd find useful. She also stored a few extra antidotes that she had requested from Das in the previous days just in case she went back into that state or someone else did. The ruler put everything in a simple leather bag and began writing the letter to be sent to Jennifer, signing it. She then also already improvised a sort of application letter to be working as a servant in case Jennifer needed to keep it as a document, then paused to think of a fake name for herself. "Hmm... We'll go with..." she thought a little more before smiling to herself and signing with that fake name and handwriting, mumbling it under her breath " Gabriel Blaize Muflier..." she wrote.

"All done," Flora said as she walked up to the messenger, handing them the letters closed in an envelope with a wax stamp. "These are to be delivered exclusively to Princess Jennifer herself. If the King, Queen, or any other servant asks to have them, I urge you to refuse and insist these are private and reserved to Jennifer alone." She instructed, purring her hands behind herself with a smile."Thank you, and have safe travel." She said, then headed back to get ready.

Royal AU: Yellow JessamineWhere stories live. Discover now