The Thorn in your Side

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He listened to her and was briefly surprised that it was because of Caroline she was disguised, finding a connection as to why Das mentioned their kingdom getting attacked by the yellow one. However when she admitted that Caroline had threatened her at their marriage he widened his eyes slightly "She did? What did she tell you? What did she say to have made you leave suddenly?" He asked, already sounding somewhat concerned

"W-Well,I-..." she sighed shakily "Well, it didn't really matter what she said. She mentioned that she knew what I did in the past and that she was going to put my reputation in the dirt or portray me as insane if I were to... speak to you again" she shook her head "But that wasn't the end of it. Because she did the same thing again that one time I visited you again after a while. And she said..." she tensed up a little, staring at the table for a good while. It seemed her expression was almost empty for a moment, as if only remembering it gave her a knot in her throat. Without she even said anything, the flowers and their roots visibly started to grow a little more over her face and mouth, almost looking she was on the point of getting teary but holding it back instead.

He nodded to that briefly and simply kept listening to her, already not liking the way Caroline has been treating her at all. When she was about to mention what she told her he watched her being quite tense about it and noticed that she wasn't feeling well. He was a little hesitant at first but scooted closer to her with the chair, gently setting a hand on her back and trying to comfort her a little by stroking her back a bit ".. It's alright, take your time" he spoke softly with her, still acting quite caring up until now.

She tensed up a little and snapped out of her thoughts for a moment when feeling his touch, looking at him briefly. It seemed a little unusual for her, but from the way she was looking at him it felt as if she genuinely wanted someone to hold onto and support her like he was doing, showing a part of her weaknesses. She simply held the mantle a little closer to herself, lowering her head and speaking a little more quietly in a shaky tone. "She said... that you hated me with all your guts, and that in fact no one at all loved me. She told me I would die alone..." she inhaled sharply, sighing and closing her eyes to still hold back tears. "I don't care about that... the thing that's hurting me is that-" she brought a hand to her chest, gripping her own shirt briefly. "...She was about to be right" with that last sentence, her voice audibly had a small crack and a tear was slightly visible by her eye "If Das didn't call you... I might have ended up dying alone sooner or later. I have my family, yes, but... The thought of not having the person I ever cared the most about by my side, tore me apart in each and every of these months" she said, lowering her head a little more to hide the tears. Das also watched in silence, wanting to comfort her but instead just bringing his eyes to Sky as if to prove his point on how much she really needed him. The man simply stood up and nodded "I'll be right back..." he said, leaving the room momentarily purposely to let them alone so Flora wouldn't feel as pressured to show her emotions in front of people. "I'm sorry..." she whispered under breath, still holding back tears

He widened his eyes when hearing what Caroline had told her months before, feeling briefly irritated and angered to know that his wife had hurt her this badly with her words. Yet he tried to focus on Flora only in that moment to listen to her and hear her out, glancing towards Das for a moment until he had announced to leave the room. The prince nodded to that until he left and turned back to look at her, hearing her apologize and still holding back. Scooting closer to her again he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her gently and setting a hand on her head. "Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong." he spoke softly to her, stroking Flora's hair carefully "Let it all out if you need to. It's just me, okay?" He tried reassuring her "I'm right here for you. And never in my lifetime would I be hating you, quite the opposite in fact..."

She kept being tense and visibly trying to hold it all inside but when Skylar scooted closed to her and embraced her so carefully, she slowly looked up to him and stared for a moment. She felt her heart race between tension, emotions and the way he was treating her until she became too overwhelmed. She finally let herself go and turned towards him fully, instinctively hiding her face in his scarf and starting to cry silently, letting out a few sobs especially because troubled to breathe normally.

Royal AU: Yellow JessamineWhere stories live. Discover now