Warmly Ripening

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As days and weeks went by, Flora seemed to stop progressing; she no longer improved and didn't necessarily get worse, apart from a few petals and leaves sometimes falling. After many months the end of the summer approached and it was now the last weekend before Autumn. Outside the leaves were already starting to change color and turn brown and orange, with many of them already falling. Her plants were slowly losing color too and the tip of her vines began having an orange hue too, slowly increasing towards the rest of her body and letting them drop some leaves in between but not fully yet.
Das and Michael seemed to also come more often in the room, as well as some other servants since by then it was clear what the outcome was going to be. Das himself said that if she wouldn't wake up by Monday, then they'd just proceed with the official funeral as there was no way of saving her anymore once her plants couldn't keep her partially alive. He suggested Sky to spent the last two days with her before they proceed, especially that Saturday since it might have been that on Sunday she could get a lot of visits from the rest of the people that cared about her before she might have been moved to a coffin.

It was late afternoon and everything seemed dead silent, even outside there wouldn't be a lot of sounds as the whole kingdom seemed sad. The leaves outside kept dropping and there was more wind than usual. There were also way fewer sunny days as if the sun was fading along with her, although for that day some rays still made their way in and gave the room an orange hue due to the sunset incoming and the color of the trees outside. The floor of the room even matched that, since all the leaves and petals kept laying there as if no one wanted to remove them yet.

He kept spending time with her as usual, having also noticed that her progress of her seemed to have stopped. Whenever he left for the night to be in his room he'd keep grieving over her the closer autumn came, not wanting to let her notice it to avoid upsetting her like last time. In the late afternoon sit in the same spot as usual, looking towards the window and watching the environment outside for a bit in silence. "...I don't know whether you can hear me anymore. I mean I never really knew whether you could but.." he inhaled slowly and leaned back against the chair looking back at her "You're very pretty." He simply said with a soft smile "It never occurred to me that I'd ever tell you so directly but... knowing that I don't have much time with you left makes me want to tell you everything I've adored about you before I regret having not done that too." He admitted glancing at the plants in-between too and observing everything. "...I'd like to say that I'm still proud of you. And I still believe in you no matter how much they tell me that you won't be with us anymore. I won't be convinced until it's definitive..." He closed his eyes for a moment.

The room kept staying silent, not even the vines and plants reacted to him talking anymore while the few rays of the sun kept lighting up the room.
Several minutes went by in silence and complete stillness of the room, until out of nowhere, while Sky still had his eyes closed, her hand and eyes seemed to twitch lightly. As silent and still, as it was, some additional warmth along the one of the sun could be felt in the room. While he still wasn't looking, she furrowed her eyebrows a little more as if struggling to wake up herself with her eyes still closed, but instinctively tried to move her hand to search for Sky's presence like she used to do with her vines, except since she couldn't move them anymore due to the autumn approaching she instead forced herself harshly to use her body. Her hand didn't go that far, but just enough to loosen up and brush her finger against his hand, then dropped back down partially hanging off the bed towards him in a different position than before.

He opened up his eyes again at some point, having felt that the room got slightly warmer. Having glanced towards her again for a moment he raised his eyebrows when noticing a difference in her position. "Mh-?" He looked around for a moment, unsure what might've caused her to have her arm partially hanging off the bed. The prince looked back at her fully and hesitantly leaned towards her, carefully sliding his hand beneath her palm and raising it a little, expecting her hand to be probably as cold as himself

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