Rock Bottom

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Two additional weeks had passed and the Queen grew more and more isolated and stricter on work, as if using it as some kind of distraction. Her chest pain had increased over the weeks and she was developing even a cough and general weakness both mentally and physically. She sitting alone at a table in one of the discussion rooms while reviewing more papers and letters; she seemed a little stressed as well since unfortunately some of the crops had randomly died and now her kingdom was beginning to go lower on resources, needing therefore to close trades to be able to have food for everyone in the kingdom itself. Eventually, she slowly put the papers aside with a heavy sigh and stared at the wooden table, locking her hands together and staring at nothing thoughtfully; generally even while working, she didn't have a problem with people coming in and out to ask her things and duties, so the guards were allowed to let visitors in too.

After the weeks had passed the prince gradually grew more worried about the Queen, yet has been mostly occupied by work and his wife. He tried to wait a little longer for Queen's sake, after she had told him that she'd visit instead if she had time, wanting to avoid bothering her. The princess however made her way to the Pink Kingdom, seeing how worried her brother has been as well as herself starting to get concerned about her. After she eventually arrived and was led by the guards to her office, she knocked a few times before for an answer

Flora blinked when hearing the knocks and brought her pupils towards the door, then lowered her hands onto the table and leaned back as she answered. "Yes, come in," she said, waiting to see who it was and what they needed.

Once she received an answer, she opened the door and walked into the office before shutting it behind herself. She faced her and gave her a slight bow "Greetings, Flora. It's been quite a while" the princess greeted her

"Jennifer!" She said, standing from her seat out of respect and appearing to genuinely smile for a moment, looking almost happy to see her than usual before that smile faded pretty fast and turned into a worried look. "Did something happen...? Please, have a seat" She said, immediately getting concerned but slowly sitting down again while looking at the ruler.

She smiled back at her and walked to take a seat "Thank you." she shook her head to reassure her "Nothing bad happened. At least not yet, I think. Rulers always tend to get into problems one way or another" Jennifer crossed her legs and leaned back a little, facing her "I came here to check up on you! And to talk obviously. You seem to be quite distant from what I figured?"

"Me?" She sounded a little surprised, yet relieved it wasn't about Skylar. When Jennifer mention her feeling distant, Flora sighed softly and shrugged a little. "It's just a busy period, that's all." She said before tending up a little a covering her mouth as she let out some coughs, then composed herself again. "Change of season... probably making me sick, too," she said, smiling slightly at her

"Mmh, fair enough. Sounds tough though, to work as you're getting sick. But I trust that you're taking care of yourself, unlike a certain work addict of a brother." She smiled at that a little "Ah yeah, speaking of him. He seemed the most worried about you actually" she mentioned

She chuckled a little at her joke while briefly fidgeting with the papers, but her smile faded once again when Jennifer mentioned him worrying. She glanced back at her and scoffed "Worried? What for? We're both just busy, that's simply all. He should focus on his wife" she said, her tone changing a little into less happy.

She chuckled for a brief "I suppose he knows you better than me. Perhaps you acted unusually for a specific amount of time to the point he felt alarmed. You know how he sometimes is" She shrugged and exhaled deeply "And let this be between us but...I despise his wife already" she admitted

Flora smiled a little sadly at that, somewhat agreeing with her until she fully brought her attention to her again. "You do..? How come? I thought she was doing pretty good around the guests and your family" she commented, rubbing her neck "Is it just a gut feeling or?"

"She does, yeah. A little too good to be honest but ever since she has been in our kingdom, Skylar would barely stay apart from her. Call it a gut feeling if you will, but do you honestly think he'd marry a woman he's known for less than a week?" She explained "You know how hesitant he gets around new people and he would've been stubborn enough to visit you by himself if he was worried. But because that Caroline's so clingy he can barely exit the kingdom." She seemed quite annoyed as she spoke about her.

Flora listened carefully to her and yet the more she heard about it, the more she felt her emotions hurt about it. More than focusing on Caroline herself, she felt hurt hearing about how clingy Sky was to her. While she kept thinking about it, she had to cover her mouth again and let out some heavier coughs, and this time for a little longer before she stopped and managed to clear her throat and inhale briefly, then decided to speak. "Jennifer, why are you telling me this? I don't think we have any power or rights over that" she mumbled, now going back to stare at the table's surface silently. "I... have my kingdom to think about. And your brother may have simply found someone worth being happy for and who lets him feel like he can be more open with them" she tried to speak calmly. "I don't want to take that happiness from him. So I won't doubt him and his choices either"

She sat more properly and leaned a little forward, the coughing having worried her briefly before Queen spoke to her. Once she was done, the princess shook her head again "No no no- I don't think you quite understand. I'm telling you this because I have a feeling that she might not have good intentions. Something occurred recently related to that but the more I try to remember the further the thought slips away for some reason." She looked at her with slightly furrowed eyebrows, seeming a little concerned "Of course, I don't intend on putting any weight on you, I just really think that you needed to know. Perhaps you might know more about this Yellow Kingdom, I don't believe that they're as powerless as they try to make them seem at least" she briefly sighed and glanced down at the floor "I suppose you'd rather go back to now than listen to this, eh?"

Flora listened carefully to what the ruler had to say and furrowed her eyebrows, a little unsure about the situation. "Jenny, I care about Skylar like no other. I do..." She clenched her fist a little. "I don't wanna ruin his marriage or his life by getting myself involved in it. This is everything he ever wanted... your parents' approval, someone who cares about him, being able to properly rule over the kingdom? I don't feel I have the right to take it from him, especially if he doesn't specifically look sad about it" She sighed, glancing back up at her "But... I will look into what you told me just now if that makes you feel better. As for now, I don't..." she furrowed her eyebrows, a knot forming in her throat "...I don't want to see him, you, or any one of the Blue Kingdom anymore. I need some time to think and focus, alright? Let him know that." She told her before going back to cough, again heavily and for a little longer to the point she seemed in slight pain until she managed to stop. "I appreciate your visit and your concern, but now please... head back to your brother. Our lives are on different paths now." She said as she calmly stood up and bowed silently. "It was a pleasure..." she said.

She listened to her carefully, observing And sometimes looking concerned about the way she kept coughing. The princess exhaled quietly "That's.. quite understandable. Thank you for everything though, I appreciate it. I'll let my brother know what you just told me, take all the time you need" She stood up as well "Well then, I wish you the best, Flora. I hope we get to speak to each other again. Get well soon" she bowed to her as well and made her way to the door to leave as the Queen had wished

Royal AU: Yellow JessamineWhere stories live. Discover now