Courtly Devotion

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Once they did that, she waited for him and took a sip of the wine calmly, then smiled to herself due to the liquid warming her up a little. When she pulled the glass away, she let out a warm exhale in which a bit of ember was visible before floating off and losing its bright sparkle.

He smiled back at her softly and clinked his glass with hers "To us and our kingdoms," he repeated and brought the glass back to himself, briefly smelling its scent before taking a sip as well. Looking back at her he felt his face warm up a little at the way her warm exhale was visible, especially with the ember briefly sparkling. He seemed to stare at him for a moment before looking back down at his glass "It's..quite the exquisite taste" he commented about it.

"I couldn't agree more," she said with a soft chuckle, waiting a bit before taking another sip and smiling at him at the way he was observing her ember, so after the second sip she purposely let out a more evident huff in which a small flame was visible for a second until it quickly disappeared. She slowly set down the glass once they were down with their meal and slowly turned her body and head more towards Skylar, setting her hands on her lap. "So, Skylar... I'll try to get to my point without many words, hm?" She said, fixing her clothes a little and directing her eyes to him. "Will you be honest with me as much as I'll be honest with you?" She asked.

He chuckled and took another sip before she repeated what she just did before, a little flustered by how majestic it looked to him and smiling more at that. When she seemed to be ready to get to the point he set his glass back down and turned towards her to show that he was attentive. He nodded to her "Yes, of course, Flora" the prince answered

She inhaled softly and went quiet for a little, seeming to blush softly as she fidgeted a little with her clothes. Eventually, she glanced away but then let out a chuckle, her face getting warmer. "I...know you read the letters..." she mumbled although she was smiling while saying that, glancing at him for a moment until she turned her head to him completely "Because I was planning to get them again, and I noticed the order wasn't at all what it used to be, and I asked Das and everyone around the castle if they perhaps cleaned it but they assured me they didn't" she explained, looking down at her hands while she was fidgeting for a little more, then raised her eyes to him again "Well...Did you..?" She asked hesitantly, tho she didn't seem mad at all.

He raised his eyebrows slightly at the question yet seemed to calmy smile at her, although he briefly felt his heart racing. Noticing her fidgeted with her clothes a little he kept listening to her and slowly nodded when she asked whether he read the letters, seeing that she wasn't mad at all "Yes, I did" he answered truthfully "One of your vines had knocked over the book with all the notes you had about Caroline. And I so happened to have found the letters that were addressed to me between the pages" he explained and exhaled quietly "..My apologies for having done that though"

"No need to apologize," she said, chuckling softly and lifting her head, smiling warmly at him. After a moment she quietly scooted a little closer to him on the bench and set her hand on his, stroking it gently. "I want you to know that during all this time my feelings for you never changed, Skylar. If anything, with every misfortune and every moment we needed each other, they only grew stronger" she admitted, her heart also racing a little. "And...I should have said it way sooner, but I too was a coward and it led to you being unhappy as well" she said with a sad smile, still stroking his hand until she brought something out of her pocket with her other hand, then opened her palm to show him. "You know what this is, don't you?" She said quietly, showing him the same bag of the ring that was in the book. "...I was planning it for a bigger event as you may have read, but I think this moment is more important to me right now that it's worth giving it already." She said, putting the bag in his palm and closing his hand with her own, then cupping both her hands around that one. "The thing is Skylar..." she inhaled quietly, locking her eyes on him now and staring for a few seconds in silence, her face visibly blushing. "...I love you so much..." she finally said out loud, her hands holding his a little tighter. "I loved you through the good moments, I loved you through the hard times, I love you in life and I loved you in death until my last breath, with all of me. I love you in my world and I love you in my dreams, and I'll love you in peace and war, serenity or chaos. I'll love you longer than until the ice of every mountain melts and until every flower wilts..." she spoke gently, her stare lovestruck until she set a hand on his cheek, tilting her head lovingly "And I'll love you for as long as you'll allow me to. With all of my heart, all of my petals, and all of my fire" she concluded, smiling fondly at him as her heart raced, anxious for an answer

Hearing her explain that her feelings for him hadn't changed he kept smiling softly as he felt inner relief and happiness, a little taken off guard when had handed him the bag he had seen in the book before. He looked down at it when she put it in his palm and made him close his hands around it with her own, looking back up at her before she fully confessed in front of him. The prince felt his heart racing at that moment as well as his face quickly warming up, staring at her with a fond smile before she eventually set a hand on his cheek. When she was done speaking he set a hand on hers that was set on his cheek and slightly turned to it, giving her palm a light and very gentle before facing her back with a loving smile "...I love you too, Flora" he spoke softly "...I love you deeply with all of my heart. And I will love you until the very end no matter what" he confessed his feelings to her fully and tilted his head slightly with a brighter smile "Gosh, I love you so much, Flora" he repeated, sounding more lovestruck himself as he locked his eyes with hers as his face had a visible pink hue over his cheeks

She also felt her heart skipping a beat at his confession, feeling some relief as well but generally looking completely lovestruck. She sighed softly as she tilted her head and kept stroking his cheek until eventually she moved a little closer to him, leading his face down a little towards hers. The woman took a moment to stare at him before she quietly closed her eyes and tilted her head, moving a bit closer until she finally let her lips gently caress his with a soft and lovingly warm kiss.

When he felt her leading his face a little towards hers, he leaned a little forward as well and smiled fondly at her before closing his eyes as well, letting her kiss him softly. He let his hand on hers, slide down to her wrist slowly as if he seem to melt into the kiss already and enjoyed the warm sensation of it

She pulled away her lips briefly from him while still blushing softly and pushed her forehead against him a little before giving him a few more gentle pecks. After a moment of enjoying the moment like that she moved him even closer and let her hands go around his body and slide up to his back, pulling him into a loving hug as she let her head stay under his chin. She looked so happy and flustered that all the snow around her from the bench to her boots had already melted

He smiled to himself at the gentle pecks he received before she wrapped her arms around him and stayed with her head under his chin. He blushed softly at that hug and when, opening his eyes he was a little taken off guard to see the snow around her having melted. The prince began chuckling at that and embraced her as well, briefly nuzzling against her hair before he gently rested his head on her.

"You're such an adorable snowman..." she mumbled, holding him close and cuddling him gently, reaching up a hand to his back tuffs of hair and stroking them gently, then tightening the hug a little and looking up to kiss his jaw here and there. "I love you so much... I just want to stay with you every day..." she said lovestruck, laughing gently.

Skylar tilted his head a little at the strokes, enjoying them with a deep exhale and tightening the hug a little as well. He chuckled briefly again at the jaw kisses "I love you too, my dear Flora.." he thought for a moment and felt his face warm up again "Say. Since you said you still mean those things you wrote in the letters.." he tightened he glanced down at the bag that he still held onto before asking "Does that mean you still plan on perhaps... getting married" he asked a little hesitantly with a rather nervous chuckle.

"Plan?" She repeated, giggling softly as she set a hand on his chest and one below his chin, making eye contact. "I can't wait, actually" she admitted with a quiet laugh and kissed his lips again, stroking his hair a little. "Just imagine, really having our kingdoms in one so no more conflicts can happen, sitting in the same throne room side by side, helping each other out or fighting side by side..." she mumbled, then shrugged and laughed softly "Ah, but first I want to enjoy a bit of youth and act like you're my silly boyfriend~," she said, giving his head a few more strokes.

He looked back down at her and smiled widely at the kiss he received, listening to her and chuckling afterward when she mentioned that she'd first want to enjoy him being her boyfriend. He tilted his head at the head strokes, seeming to enjoy them as he kept smiling like a dork at those "Gladlyyy~"

[And this is the end of the RP! We don't know if we'll ever continue with some new event, time skips or a plottwist eventually, but this is it for now :) Thank you all for reading if you came this far!]

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