Hail, Blaize

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When Flora got into the room, she immediately hid her bag in the corner under the bed, moving some things in front of it as well just to avoid making anyone else find it. She then started undressing and took a moment to breathe properly since she felt her lungs get a little troubled again. Once she took it off, she opened the drawers to find some bandages and grabbed them, starting by making a binder out of them for her chest but not tight enough to be too harmful to her. Then she wore the royal outfit and adjusted it properly, making sure it was spot on. She fixed her hair a little to not be fully recognizable either, making them slightly more messy than usual yet still elegant and kept together by a small ponytail braid behind which she kept together using a simple tight silver ring. Looking through the drawer again she managed to find some kind of light blue contact lenses which she didn't hesitate to take and wear; lastly, she reached for the rest of the bandages and began fully covering her face, only letting her hair free to use them to hide some of the bandages going around her head and therefore look more presentable, as well as both of her eyes fully visible. She finished by wearing white gloves and a few little silver chains and pins based on the kingdom, then pat her clothes and exhaled softly. "This should do." She said, already using her lower voice. She waited for Jennifer to return by peeking from the door's keyhole and when she saw her again, Flora calmly opened the door and walked outside holding her posture firmly and elegantly as she glanced at the ruler in silence, waiting for an opinion.

Once Jennifer had returned and saw the door open she widened her eyes in surprise and looked at the apparent servant up and down for a moment "Huh— If I must be honest you look like quite the gentle one" she commented with a smile "I almost didn't recognize you again, you did very well" she nodded "Well then, Gabriel... would you like to be introduced to your colleagues now?" She asked, already using the fake name for her to get used to.

She smiled softly under the bandages and let out a soft chuckle, simply nodding. "Of course, your Majesty. This will be entertaining..." she said lowly, walking up to her calmly and ready to follow and act like a servant.

"You bet it will" she agreed with her, chuckling as she started walking along with Flora and going after what they had been planning so far.

Some hours went by since her arrival and she had managed to greet the majority of the castle by then; she seemed to easily get along with everyone, especially since she knew them beforehand, and even as a queen she made sure to have small talk with everyone. She listened when they'd explain how to do the chores and learned fast enough since she was used to doing some of them ever since a young age when she wasn't looked over as much. It was about the time when everyone would be awake with them, so eventually she walked up to the ruler after getting to know everyone. "Jennifer, I think I heard them walking down the hall. Think now is a good time to introduce me?" She asked quietly.

She looked back at her when Flora walked back to her and pointed out that the rulers might be around. "I think so, yes..." she answered quietly and began slowly walking along with her "Do you think you're ready to?"

Flora stayed next to her and nodded slowly after exhaling. "...Yeah. I'm ready." She said, smiling softly. It wasn't long until Caroline could be seen walking around the corner and turning towards the same hall they were in while she spoke to Sky, already ordering him around. "How come you've been so slow with the documents? You know I'm really busy attending events, Skylar! How hard can it be to sign some papers? Your parents are going to be seeing red when I tell them!" She shouted, pressing her tempers. When she looked forward again and saw Jennifer on the way along with someone else, she slowly stopped walking until she was by them and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Walking along with her the prince exhaled quietly, feeling quite under pressure by her complaints "I...have to read them thoroughly before signing them. I've already had multiple papers that had to be denied or improved-..ah?" He noticed her stopping and glanced toward Jennifer now noticing that she seemed to have someone next to her "Ah brother, good to see you!" Jennifer already spoke "We have a new servant working at our castle, his name is Gabriel Blaize Muflier. The other staff already got real fond of him already and he seems to be pretty good at a lot of assignments" she was introducing her to the couple, although more towards Skylar. "Oh, is that so?" The young man smiled softly for a moment to which her sister nodded

Flora kept standing elegantly and only moved her eyes toward the king, staring at him for a moment until she smiled back softly, the smile probably visible from the way her eyes adjusted to it. She didn't hesitate slowly bowing to him. "Your Highness, it is a pleasure to be working for you and your beautiful wife." She said, trying to also already impress Caroline to receive fewer complaints later on and pulling herself up again. "I will be glad to start tasks for you immediately, just say the word." She said. Caroline raised her eyebrows and smirked, crossing her arms and nodding. "Now that's a worthy servant! Finally..." she scoffed, brushing a hand through her hair. "Well then hurry and bring me my breakfast soon, I'm starving!"

The princess seemed relieved that Caroline was falling for the disguise yet felt somewhat annoyed by her way of ordering her already. "Oh yeah right" she turned to her brother and spoke again "I've overheard that you seemed to be a little more slow with your paperwork, right?" Skylar furrowed his eyebrows slightly at that "Well, I think it's pretty much the same pace still...but I guess I've been a little under the weather lately" he admitted to which she waved her hand a little to shake it off "That's perfectly fine. I'm sure Sir Muflier will help you intensively with those to get more done. He's proven himself to be good so far after all" she suggested, that way Caroline would have less to complain about and let Flora be nearby Skylar most of the time "Ah-? I suppose that would be fine?" The king answered, seeming to alright with the idea already.

Flora brought a hand to her chest and nodded again with a slight bow. "It would be my pleasure, truly. Allow me to walk you to the dining room so that I can get you started on your breakfast." She said calmly, glancing at Jennifer for a moment with a slight smile and turning around with her hands behind her back. She peeked behind her shoulders to make sure they'd follow and began walking away. Caroline seemed pretty happy with the behavior so she smiled to herself and followed along without many other questions.

She glanced at Flora and smiled softly back at her before turning back to Skylar "Such a sweet soul really, isn't he?" She commented to which Skylar smiled slightly as well "I suppose so, yeah. I'm just a little concerned about his face is all, is he alright?" He asked "Oh don't worry about it I'll explain it to you later, for now just take the time to rest. You look more drained than ever" she ordered him, having set her hands on her hips, their voices slowly fading as Flora would leave with Caroline.

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