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Joe's POV

December 5

I stare at the hallway for the millionth time in the last couple of minutes.

- Relax, Joe, or she's going to notice we are hiding something from her.- Blake chuckles and I sigh.

- It 's not it. I'm worried about her.

- Why?- Selena raises an eyebrow.

- She's not being herself these last weeks. Always looking at the phone when she thinks I'm not watching her, scared when we leave her house... I tried to talk about it but she pushed me away, telling me I was making things up.

- Now that you are saying she really looks at her phone many times a day, and always makes a concerned face after.- Jack joins the conversation, and I turn to him.

- Did you know what may be happening? - I ask them, worried.

- Maybe it is a family problem. We could try to contact her mom, ask if everything is ok with her and invite her to our surprise party.

- Yeah, but how are we going to discover her mom's number without asking her?

Selena rolls her eyes in annoyance.

- You are so innocent, Joe. Her mom is her emergency contact, almost everyone puts the parents, so we just need to look up at her file.

- But Sel, we can't be seen searching for files.- Blake adds and I agree.

- Don't worry, no one is going to catch me. Find me here at 5pm and I"ll have the number so we can call her and invite to the party.

One week later ( December 12)

- Love, are you ready?- I call her, waiting in my car.

- Five minutes, I'm putting my shoes on and putting water and food for Benji.

- Okay, I'm waiting.- I chuckle and end the call.

I'm taking her to have dinner with me and spend tomorrow morning in my house, while Sel, Blake and Jack organize a surprise b'day party tomorrow afternoon.

We called Andrea and she confirmed she's coming tomorrow morning to help the girls, and also said her brother is coming. It's a great opportunity for me to meet her family, so I'm happy, but I'm also nervous that she asks me about my family.

I hear a knock in my window and I immediately open to see my gorgeous girlfriend in a green dress, and a red lipstick that makes me feel things I shouldn't feel right now.

- Sorry for being late- She starts to talk but I shut her up with a hot french kiss, holding her waist and fight against the urge to squeeze her ass.

- Don't worry, we have all the time in the world.

She smiles, breathless, and I open her door for her.

- So, we have an actual date tonight. I make a reservation at this restaurant Jack indicate me. Did you know I never brought someone to a dinner date before?

She looks at me and sighs.

- You were a real pee in the ass uh?

- I told you. I didn't used to believe in love. But you show me I was wrong.

She blushes and looks out the window, and I wonder what she's thinking about.

- Hey, you know you can talk to me about everything, right?

- Yeah, I know.- She smiles at me but I can see she's concerned and sad about something. She's hiding something but I have no idea what could be. I'm giving her some space since we are in beginning of our relationship, but if things keep this way I'll have to talk to her.

Heartbeat Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora