I found a love beautiful and sweet

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Heartbeat chapter 13-I found a love beautiful and sweet.

Taylor's POV
I am running  to the ER but I’m making a giant effort to not smile. There’s an emergency and probably lot’s of people got hurt due the storm but I am happy, and I know Joe, a few meters in front of me, is thinking the same way based on the way he’s looking at me.

– Guys, finally you two show up!– Ryan scream at us.

– Sorry, we were stuck in the elevator.– Joe explains while I get there.

– Okay, attention here. We are about to receive a big crowd of trauma patients. The storm destroyed a few houses and threw an old tree over a commercial building. There are people burned, others polytraumatized and others have just superficial cuts. We need you in every case, so there's no need to fight over patients. I decide who gets what case. Now, everyone put on ER gowns and meet me there at the ambulances park, they are arriving in 5 minutes.

Everyone nods and runs to dress the gown and the sterile gloves. We are ready for action.

We wait for the ambulances outside and what I see makes my mouth drop. Ryan opens the ambulance and a guy with a tree branch appears.

I bite my lips to not express I'm scared and suddenly I hear Ryan screaming at me.

– Dr Carter you come with them. Trauma 3, Go!

I nod and just then I see I'm going to work with Dr Pierce again, which is a relief since I already know her.

We run with the patient and enter on a separated room.

– Dr Carter, we need venous access in his arm and 10 milligrams of morphine. He's going to wake up soon.

She keeps screaming with other residents while I quickly do what she needs and soon we have the patient stable enough to do some portatil X rays.

The tree branch broke his ribs, probably perforated the spleen and stopped 2 cm from the heart.

– Call OR 2 and tell them we are on the way to a thoracotomy and exploratory laparotomy!


It's past 2 am and I'm shaking from the adrenaline. It's been many many hours standing there on the OR, helping with suction and retraction and all I want right now is my bed.

I take a bath and put on my regular clothes, and I'm about to fall asleep with my head on the locker door when I feel a hand on my shoulders.

– Just 5 more minutes, please.– I mumble, without really knowing what I'm saying.

The person chuckles and I recognize the voice, making me  fully awake.

I turn around and my heart seems like it wants to beat out of my chest. There he is, with this sequin smile.

– Hi, Tay. You are exhausted, uh?

– I truly am. I've been in surgery for 14 hours.

– I heard your guy survived. Mine suffered a heart attack. You know, too much damage from the shock.
I nod and can't hold a yawn.

– Well, we need to talk but since you are this tired I think we can do this tomorrow, I mean, later today. I  just check our schedule and we are free.

– I can talk today, I Just need a coffee.

He laughs.

– No you don't, you need and deserve a full night of sleep. Come here, I'll take you home.

I put my Head on his shoulders and he almost drags me along the hallways. Then, we are once again alone in this elevator, this magic elevator, and I can't help but smile at him.

Heartbeat Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora