Tension on the roof levels

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Heartbeat chapter 38- Tension on the roof levels

Blake's POV

The nerves are all around here. Our test is in 8 days, Ryan's test is tomorrow. I just received a text from him telling me he has arrived at the airport and is now heading to this hotel where the doctors stay confined to do the test.

He's nervous and this makes me nervous too. If him, a fucking genius is scared of this test what is going to happen when It's my time to do this in 5 years from now. I mean, I have to pass the intern test first which at this point I'm not sure I can.

We are all a mess these days.  Jack fought with his girlfriend Maggie for nothing but still didn't apologize because men are too proud to admit they are wrong. Selena and Taylor are trying to comfort their boyfriends after the disaster of judgment last week. It's crazy that their parents decided to have a kid to stop them from questioning disinheritance, it made me sick even listening about it. Joe has too much on his hands these days. We honestly need our vacations. Can't wait to do this damn test and pass so we can put it behind.

Right now, the five of us are in the hospital library with piles of copies from past interns' tests. We did a great part of them in the last month after Ryan started to give us classes twice a week. There's no reason for us to fail this test, but life is unpredictable so we make sure to do our best. If there's something you learn in Med School is that there's no guarantees when it comes to medicine and test scores.

Closing my eyes for a few seconds, I let myself dream with a beach and crystal blue water. A beep on my phone makes me jump slightly, making my colleagues laugh.

– Stop, guys, I wasn't sleeping, just daydreaming on a beach with crystal blue water and the wind on my face.– I say, looking at my phone and chuckling after Selena tells me to shut up.

– Oh, Ryan is at the hotel, and is asking me if he can call me. Probably nervous as fuck.

– Damn, if Ryan is freaking out, who doesn't?– Joe says and we all agree.

I excuse myself and go outside of the hospital to Facetime him.

He answers and a pale man appears on the screen.

– Honey, you are pale!

– I know, that's why I'm calling. I just threw up everything I had.

– Oh baby, I'm sorry you are this nervous. But If there's someone who can nail that test it's you.

– I hope so, but I can't stop thinking something bad is going to happen. I never told you this but I'm a bit sensitive.

– Ryan, listen to me baby, nothing bad is going to happen. It's your head playing games with you. Tomorrow after the test this bad feeling will be gone.

– I Hope you are right, Blake.

– Ryan, come on, you were the chief of the residents, taught us twice a week this last month and managed to nail all the simulated tests. You know how it works: you are nervous before the test, but once you answer the first question everything else fades to the background and you nail it. Where's the man who gave the inspiring speech on our first meeting at your house when you told us about the journey on the residency? – I do my best to encourage him, but I don't know if this is going to be enough.

– Did you have lunch? – I ask him, worried.

– Yeah, I just did. And you?

– I did too, and now me and our friends are hanging out in the hospital library, trying to study the old tests you gave us and imagining new scenarios with the same answer.

Heartbeat Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora