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Heartbeat chapter 27- Trouble

A.N.: Sorry the lack of updates guys, I've been in a terrible week. Just found out my "son" , a beautiful 8 years old cat has cancer and there's no such thing to do other then give him pain meds and lots of love. I'm so hurt it's hard to do anything.

Ryan's POV

January 16th

I'm finally back in Boston after spending the week at a plastic surgery convention in Minnesota. 

I'm dead tired and I miss Blake like we haven't seen each other for a decade. We did video calls but It's not the same, and she seems a bit off. I don't know if she is just missing me or if she's sad about other stuff. 

I'm always asking how she is but I have a feeling she doesn't always tell me the truth. I don't blame her, we have known each other for just a few months and maybe she's one of these people that takes time to trust the other. 

I take a bath and I'm about to text Blake when I see my old man calling me by video. 

The man is smitten and I can't help but smile too. I just love him and his remarks, he's kind of my best friend. Of course I love mom too, but I'm closer to him. 

– Hey dad! How are you?

– Great, son! I'm just calling you to let you know I'm planning to take your mom to Boston. She has been missing you guys a lot lately so I think a little trip to every son or daughter's house can make her smile. 

– Of course! That would be great. It could be an excellent opportunity for me to present you to Blake parents. We can call the Sheltons so they are here at the same time. Imagine a great barbecue with everyone? 

– Would be amazing, son. Tell me the best day and I'll arrange everything with your siblings so they at least try to be there. 

– Okay, I'll talk to Blake tomorrow and let you know. 

– You blush everytime you say her name. Damn, you are really head over heels for this girl, uh? 

– I really am, dad. I have to control myself to not run to the nearby jewelry and buy I ring to propose. 

– What's stopping you? If you know you love her and she loves you and both want a future together? 

– I don't know, I think it would scare her since it's been just a few months dating. She's still an intern and has a long run until finishing the residence. Maybe in a couple of years when she's more mature, who knows?

– Do what is better for yourself, son. Just don't hide your desire from her. Be gentle and slowly talk about the future with her, let her express her feelings about it. You are going to feel when she's ready to say yes. That's how it worked with your mom and me. I was ready from day 2, but she wasn't, so I waited until I felt she was trusting me enough to pop the question. And I didn't regret it even for a minute.

– I'll follow your tips, man, thanks. I just hope this time will be forever. 

I sigh, feeling the sour taste of this part of my past in my mouth. But I shake these feelings. They've been sleeping for so long and I hope it keeps that way. 

I can see my dad thinking about how to respond to my last sentence. All that confusion affected everyone in my family. 

– We never know, son, we never know. But I have a good feeling. Gotta go now, before your mom comes after me. I can smell the dinner already. 

I chuckle. Mom get furious whenever dad takes too long to sit at the dinner table. 

– Okay, dad. We will talk again soon. Love y'all.

Heartbeat Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora