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i stormed into my cell, laying down on the top bunk before carl stormed in after me 'where the hell were you?'

'helping daryl. some prisoners came ito the cell block, we had to try scare them out.' i answered.

'taylor, you are aware they're in here for a reason, and you don't know how dangerous they are.'

'it's not a big deal.'

'not a big deal?' he argued 'you could've gotten yourself killed!' he screamed at me.

lori came to the door 'hershel is bleeding out and we're all trying to help him. if you're not going to stay in there with us and least have some respect and stop screaming at each other.'

i flopped back on the bed when she left. 'i'm sorry. i just want to help. you're dad stopped me from going outside. he said i'm now part of the group and his responsibility.'

'he's right you know. he's the leader, so he has responsibility for everyone. not just me and my mom, the whole group, so that includes you.' he took a deep breath, 'and I don't know what I would do if you weren't safe.'

him caring about me brough tears to my eyes. i pulled him in tightly for a hug 'thank you.' i cried into his shoulder for a minute 'thanks for caring about me.'

'any time.' he whispered in my ear, stroking my hair. i dried my tears when i pulled away. 'are you tired?' he moved a strand of hair that had fallen from my bun behind my ear.

i nodded 'yeah, a little bit.'

'do you want to take a nap, i'll stay here to make sure you're okay?' he offered.

'thanks but i think i'm okay. i need fresh air but rick won't let me outside.' i chuckled.

'food's here.' we heard t-dog call out.

both carl and i rushed to the bars which he opened for t-dog and his dad who followed shortly after.

'what you got?' i asked.

he began listing 'canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. there's a lot more where this came from.'

'any change?' rick asked, walking into hershels cell.

carl and i rushed over to help t-dog with the food while glenn put handcuffs on hershel under ricks orders so that he could be sure nothing would happen, and rick and lori talked under the stairs.

'okay, i'm gonna go check in on hershel. can you two stay here and organise everything?' t-dog requested.

i began to sorth through everything they brought back but carl stood by the door 'aren't you going to help?' i asked.

'i have a better idea.' i smiled 'you got your gun from earlier?' i held it up. 'okay, grab a bag, we're going to find the infirmary.'

i grabbed a tote bag that was in the corner while carl had a duffel. we ran out of the cell block, no one even noticed we left. it was dark in the hallways no we had to use flashlights to help us navigate our way through and i drew arrows on the walls to help us navigate our way back.

eventually, without running into any walkers, we found a set of double doors with a sign above it that read infirmary 'in here.' carl pulled me through.

for a place where there was a lot of sick people, there seemed to be very little walkers in there. only one which carl killed as soon as we set foot through the doors.

we filled our bags with gauze, bandages, antibiotics, basically any medical equipment we could find that would fit in our bags.

'do you think we have enough?' i asked as we headed back.

'two bags full of medical supplies? that's more than enough. besides, it's all there is, so it'll have to do.'

he was walking backwards to face me while we talked so he couldn't see behind him. that meant he couldn't see the walker coming for us. lucky for him, i shot it right between the eyes before it got its disgusting, rotten hands on either of us.

he sighed from relief when he turned around to see it thud and hit the floor. 'thanks.'

'it's not a big deal.' I blushed, luckily it was pretty dark so he couldn't see my face go bright red.

'come on we better get back.' he grabbed my hand, dragging me through the hallways, making it back to the cell block. the heavy door creaked open as we walked towards hershels cell.

'i thought you two were organising the food.' glenn wondered where we had run off to.

'eve better.' I smiled, walking past him with carl right behind me.

'check it out.' carl dropped his bag on the floor and i did the same with mine. they opened up to reveal what we had taken from the infirmary.

carol gasped 'where did you get this?' she began digging through, trying to find what they needed.

'found the infirmary.' i smiled, proud of us for helping.

'there wasn't much left but we cleared it out.' carl added.

lori and carol looked at us in shock. 'you went by yourselves?'

i saw an argument coming so i tried to step out while lori and carl argued. it was one of the things that always made me feel uncomfortable so I tried to avoid it at all costs. glenn stopped me from walking out 'you went to, you're staying right here.'

i rolled my eyes, turning back to lori. i jumped when carl shouted at his mom.

glenn finally let me out of the room when he saw this. I disappeared into my cell, soon followed by carl 'sorry.' he apologised for his and loris argument.

'it's okay.' i was laying on the top bunk so i was able to dry my tears without him noticing.

he jumped up, sitting on the end of the bunk by my feet. 'what's wrong?'

i sighed 'i guess i'm just a bit stressed.' i answered. 'plus people arguing doesn't help, to be honest it scared me a little bit.'

he pulled me into his arms 'you have nothing to be scared of. i will always protect you.'

not a big deal~carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now