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i watched as carl and rick taught ron how to shoot a gun. it took everything in me not to go over there and apologise to carl. but i did nothing wrong. he got pissed off with me for no reason. maybe we weren't as perfect as we thought.

carl turned around, calling me over when he noticed me stood there. i walked over and as i approached him, he pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head 'i'm sorry for getting mad yesterday. it wasn't your fault i was just angry. not at you though.'

i kissed his lips, causing a smile to grow on his lips. rick was staring at us, looking confused. i asked 'what? i can't kiss my boyfriend?'

his eyes widened and his jaw dropped 'you guys are dating?'

'it's not a big deal.' i shrugged.

i stood with carl while they taught ron to use the gun. carls arm was over my shoulder and i was leaning into him.

carl and i spent the day together as we had just made up. we were walking around when i noticed ron behind us 'carl, i think rons following us.'

'don't worry.' i pointed up at some bright green balloons as we followed them. but we ran away when we saw the tower begin to fall. it came crashing down, taking the wall with it and letting the hoard into the community.

carl dragged me in one of the houses. we were trapped in there with michonne, rick, gabriel, an injured deanna, jessie, ron, and sam hiding upstairs.

i tried to find carl, when i heard another fight breaking out between him and ron. i found them but they had locked the garage door and i couldn't get in. i called rick to help as e got anaxe to break the lock, me and jessie stood close behind him.

we got them out just in time as walkers began to flood through the broken down door. rick and gabriel moved the couch to hold the door shut as the walkers tried to bang on it so it would open.

'what happened?' rick asked. i knew exactly what happened. ron started another fight. but carl covered for him, saying a shelf fell. why? who knows but he seemed as though he was being nice when ron was nothing but a dick to him.

i followed them upstairs where carl eld his gun to ron, threatening him to give him rons gun. i stepped in his way 'carl, don't.' but he pulled me behind him. after that i was too petrified to move. ron handed him the gun as carl said 'look ,man, i get it. my dad killed your dad. but you need to know something, your dad was an asshole.'

we all moved back downstairs we stood around by the window, watching everything unfold outside. eventually they broke the door down and we all ran in the other direction as a group. i helped garbiel to get sheets to put over ourselves as rick and michonne gutted walkers that they had dragged upstairs.

i threw a sheet over me, spreading the guts over it, careful not to get any on my skin. i watched as jessie told sam that he had to pretend to be brave to get through it. i liked that, pretend to be brave. fake it till you make it i guess.

'don't leave my side okay? please. i just want to make sure i can keep you safe. carl begged. i nodded in response as rick hid judith under carls sheet.

we all made our way out through them in a line. rick, them carl, then me, then jessie, then sam, then ron, then michonne, then gabriel. we held onto each others hands as we made our way through the crowd.

rick led us to the edge where he told us his plan. he wasn't taking us to the armoury like he said. he was going to take us to lead the walkers away. gabriel took judith back to the church to keep her safe until we got back 'i think you should go with them.' carl said to me.

'no. i'm coming with you. i'm helping.' i argued.

'please. i don't want to lose you.' he begged.

i held his face 'you won't. just keep an eye on me and make sure i don't do anything stupid.' i joked.

'yeah she's the stupidest person here.' ron chimed in making me glare at him.

'you're lucky i'm not going to hit you right now.'

we kept moving as it got dark. carl still had a grip on my arm and so did jessie. sam stopped so we all did. ron and jessie tried to talk him into moving to save all of us but he wouldn't. two walkers snuck up on him, biting his face and shoulder.

jessie refused to let go of her son and she was screaming, so eventually they got her to. i tried to pul away but every time i did, her grip on my wrist would tighten 'taylor, come on.' carl said, pulling me away.

'i cant.' whispered, my voice shaking with fear. 'she won't let me.'

i watched as rick used his axe to hack her hand of, letting me stumble back into carl. as we both got up, we saw fear in ricks us. behind us, ron had a gun held up to rick. carl pushed me over to michonne to get me away in case he actually shot.

before he could do anything, michonnes katana went right through him and he shot off to the side. we looked to carl and as he looked up, we saw the wounded eye from the bullet ron had shot into his head.

'dad?' he collapsed to the floor. rick scooped up his limp but still living body, rushing him to the infirmary, with me right behind him.

tears kept falling down my face as we ran. i had his hat in my hand, one of his favourite things in the world.

i stood in the corner, crying my eyes out as he laid there, his eye missing and blood dripping down his face.

everyone ran out, following rick who had gone back outside out of rage. i stayed, helping denise with anything she needed to help him. i stood by carl side, trying to held back tears, aking my vision go blurry.

not a big deal~carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now