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I was surprised the next day when I woke up at 11:30 that Mum had let me sleep in. I supposed it was her way of apologizing for the night before. I went down the hall to the kitchen and found her making something that smelled delicious. I apologized to her for the fight and she kissed my forehead and told me not to worry about it. I hugged her and walked to the living room, my stomach growling. Mum and I couldn't afford a TV, a fact that she apologized for far more often than necessary, but we did have her old record player from when she was a kid. To me, that was just as good as a TV (although I must admit, being able to play Halo at my own house would have been a perk). I flipped through the vinyl collection next to the turntable and smiled, pulling out a record. I delicately placed it on the machine and put the pin into place. Immediately, Steven Tyler's voice came blaring into the room.

"Now you're just buttering me up!" My mum called from the kitchen.

"No idea what you're talking about," I said through a smirk. Aerosmith isn't really my cup of tea, but mum is a sucker for '70s rock bands.

"You're ridiculous," she said, poking her head around the corner.

"If by 'ridiculous' you mean 'best son ever'," I teased.

"Only because I raised you," she retorted, returning to the kitchen. "If you really wanted to get on my good side, you'd come and help me set the table."

"Well played," I smiled, retreating back to the kitchen. I set the table, which didn't take long since it was just the two of us, while mom mouthed the words to "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing".

"So any big plans today?" she asked, setting the last plate on the table and taking her seat across from me.

"Do I ever have plans?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Well you have become quite the social butterfly lately," she mused. I rolled my eyes. "What? I'm not wrong!" she added.

"I guess not," I smiled, humoring her.

"Things are getting better aren't they?" she asked, her typical motherly concern returning to her voice, "At school and things?"

"Yes mum," I said, "I'm doing really well. And I'm not just saying that," I promised.

"Good," she smiled, "So-"

Just then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to silence it, but the caller ID caught my eye.

"Really, Dan? At the table?" Mum scolded.

"It's Chris," I said, shooting her a look that I hoped was both pathetic and adorable. She shook her head but smiled.

"Make it quick."

"Thanks," I smiled, holding the phone to my ear, "Hey Chri-" I barely managed to get his name out when I was bombarded with voices from the other end of the line.

"Ask if they kissed!"

"I'm not asking that!"

"-still not convinced she's straight-"

"Shhhh! Hey, Dan," Chris' voice sounded exasperated at the other end of the line.

"Hi Chris, what's up?" I asked.

"You have beans to spill, my friend," I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Do I?" I could the blush rising in my cheeks.

"Hell yes, you do!" PJ's voice took over the call, "I have to know everything! Did she-"

"Give me that!" Chris took back the phone, "We're coming to get you," he said.

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