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"Club?" I asked, confused. Chris and PJ laughed. "What?"

"We're not really a club!" Phil giggled, "Unless being cooler than everyone else automatically qualifies as being a club,"

"Oh," I said, staring at my feet. How socially stupid of me. Typical. In feeble attempt to cover my embarrassment, I turned and plopped myself back down onto the empty bed in the corner.

"So, Dan," PJ asked, rolling over on his bed to have a better look at me, "What do you do?"

"Uh, what?'

"Like, for fun," PJ laughed, "What do you do for fun?"

I blushed and I could feel the other boys' eyes on me. Chris must have noticed my pain because he spoke up for me.

"Dan's an actor," he said with a sly grin. I could see Phil's face twist into a smile from where he was lying on his bed.

"Really?" PJ asked, suddenly alert, "I guess that makes sense, as you are Dan From Drama, but, really, an actor?"

"Oh, don't you start!" Chris said, hitting him playfully, "You watch out," he said to me, "before he starts trying to recruit you for his films!"

"Actually, I--"

"Don't you dare!" Chris interrupted him.

"No! Not for me!" PJ exclaimed, covering Chris's mouth with his hand, "Just shut up for one minute, can you do that?" He returned his attention to me, "My friend, Diana, she's year 12, she's making a film for a festival, well, technically, we're making it, and we've been looking for a boy for--"

"I'm sure he isn't interested in your--" Chris managed to get out before PJ silenced him again with his hand.

"That sounds really cool," I said, heat rising in my cheeks. He wanted me to act in one of his films? For a festival? That sounded exciting. 

"You do?" PJ asked.


"But Dan, erm, I don't think you know what you're getting into with--" Chris said, but I cut him off.

"No, I'd like it I think," I smiled, "I mean, I've never done anything like that before, but I'd like to learn more about it."

"But Dan, you really don't have to--"

"I want to!" I cut Chris off mid-sentence. 

"Do you?"

"Of course he does, short films are great," PJ teased, "I can introduce Diana to you sometime if you like," PJ smiled.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome," I said.

"What about tomorrow night?" Phil asked, shooting a mischievous smile at PJ.

Chris looked unsure, "I'm not sure if Dan wants--"

"We're having a party tomorrow," Phil said, sitting up to look at me, "Chris's parents are going to London for the weekend. Diana will be there. You should come." He shot me a wink.

A party? I felt myself get immediately clammy. I was so socially awkward and--

"I don't think Dan is really the type for parties," Chris began, reading my mind.

"Ah, come on, Chris, I'm sure he's up for it!" PJ scolded.

"Yeah, Dan, what'd you say?" Phil looked so genuine, I don't know what came over me, but I said, "Sounds like fun."


I scowled at the mirror, pushing my dark fringe out of my eyes for the hundredth time that night. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I'd never been to a party before and I was just starting to make friends. I had to make a good impression.

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