The Great Escape

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Their fingers laced securely together, Thorin tugged Nevaeh behind him as they fled through the halls of the Woodland Realm. Thorin could only hope that his men were waiting and had not been captured. He heard no alarm, but it was only a matter of time. They were quick and quiet and dodged any Elves the may have been lurking about. They were almost at the cellar doors when they ran straight into a guard. Before the guard could call out, Nevaeh's palm flew up and cracked his nose. In one swift move, she kicked his feet from underneath him and Thorin had his arm around his neck, rendering the Elf unconscious.  The two of them pulled his sleeping body out of the hall and shoved him into a closet. They bolted into the cellar, but stopped short when they came across two sleeping Elves. They appeared to be drunk on wine, sprawled out across the wooden table. They could hear the company bickering. Following their voices, Thorin and Nevaeh rounded a corner and the company was there waiting. Bilbo spotted them first.

"Oh, thank heavens." He sighed with relief. The others began to grow louder.

"You were suppose to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur hissed at Bilbo. Nevaeh rolled her eyes.

"Everyone climb into the barrels." Instructed Bilbo. "Quickly!"

"Are you mad?" Asked Dwalin. "They'll find us."

"No, they won't. I promise you." Bilbo urged. "Please! Please! You must trust me." Skepticism arose among the men.

"This is hardly the time." She grumbled to Thorin.

"Enough of this!" Thorin commanded. "Do as he says."

The company complied, stuffing their large bodies into the barrels. "There aren't enough." Nevaeh stated.

"What?" Thorin began counting. It was true. There were only thirteen barrels. That meant two of them would be without. "Some of us will just have to double up."

"The barrels can't take on too much weight." Bilbo said. Nevaeh raised an eyebrow and gestured to where Bombur was squirming into his barrel. "Ah-...yes. Fair enough." His fought a grin and Nevaeh winked at him. Fingers wrapped around Nevaeh's arm.

"You're coming with me." Thorin whispered gruffly in her ear. He refused to let her stray too far again. He had made that mistake too many times already. Nevaeh knew that now was not the time for arguments. She slipped into the barrel and maneuvered around so Thorin could squeeze himself in. It was a snug fit but not unbearably uncomfortable.

"What now?" Bofur piped.

"Hold your breath." Bilbo told him.

"Wait." Said Nevaeh. "What about you?"

"I've got it sorted." Bilbo assured her. "Ready?"

"Ready." Most of the company gave the word. And with that, Bilbo pulled a lever. The lever tipped the floor and all of the barrels bounded downward, bouncing and slamming against one another and the hard walls, landing in the river tunnel below. Bobbing up and down, the company had to regain equilibrium. The water was freezing and completely unexpected. The Dwarves were all bustling, ready to make their escape.

"Bilbo! He's not here!" Nevaeh was worried. She looked to Thorin. "We can't leave him."

"We wait for the Hobbit!" He commanded. Suddenly, they heard the cellar floor open and slam shut once more and Bilbo came falling from above them. He hit the water hard and disappeared for a few brief seconds. He popped up, gasping and flailing about. Nori grabbed him up and Bilbo latched on to Nori's barrel. "Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin's excitement was evident. "Go! Come on, let's go!" He shouted. He and Nevaeh began to tread through the water. The end of the tunnel was in sight and they were picking up speed, which could only mean...

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