The Right Place

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After Gandalf reprimanded Bofur for causing the Hobbit to faint, he went over to wake him. He gave him a few shakes, "Bilbo. Bilbo, wake up." The Wizard tried this technique a few more times. Nevaeh was growing tired of him calling the Halfling's name. So, she took it upon herself to wake him. She grabbed Bofur's pint and poured the ale onto Bilbo's face. He awoke and choked on the ale that had went into his nose. After fighting a coughing fit, the Hobbit shot Nevaeh, who was still standing over him smirking with the pint in hand, a menacing look.

"Was that really necessary?" Bilbo griped at her.

"Necessary? No." She answered, grinning. "It was fun."

"Glad I amuse you." The Hobbit grumbled.

The Wizard interrupted the two of them. "Come now, Bilbo. We have things to discuss." Gandalf and Bilbo retreated to a sitting room not far off. Nevaeh took a seat in the main room with the Dwarves. Balin approached her.

"Mind if I sit?" he asked.

"No, of course." She gestured for home to sit. "You're Balin, yes?"

"Aye. That is me." He confirmed with a smile. She reciprocated it. There was an uncomfortable pause between them. Balin broke it. "Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

"I don't mind." She smiled and turned to face him. She folded her legs and placed her hands in her lap, so quick that it startled Balin. "Shoot."

"Well, let's start with where you're from." He suggested.

"I'm from Bree." She answered.


"Yes." She lied.

"And you're a human?" He questioned. Like Thorin, he was having trouble placing her in any particular category.

"Yes." Nevaeh said. It wasn't a total lie. She was born human.

"What of your family?" He inquired, noticing that she included no title when introducing herself.

Her brow furrowed for a moment and her eyes dropped to the floor. After a few silent seconds, she looked back at the elder Dwarf and shook her head. Truthfully, he wanted to know more but he could tell that there was a grim answer behind her eyes. Balin decided to drop that question.

"What weapons do you carry?"

"I can wield anything." That seemed a good enough answer. It was the truth but the honest truth was that she didn't need a weapon. She was a weapon.

"Well that will be helpful." Balin smiled. "I think that's enough interrogating tonight, do you think? I must speak with our leader. It is a pleasure to have you come along, dear." He said, not entirely sure of his words. Something about her made him uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Master Balin." Nevaeh said sincerely. She watched as the elder dwarf walked into the hallway where Thorin was leaned against the doorframe. Her eyes then wandered about the room. Taking in the faces and personalities around her. But she grew curious of the status of the Hobbit. She could eavesdrop easily. Her hearing was as good as any Elf's. And the house was small enough that she could hear a fly buzzing in the farthest bedroom without effort.

She heard Gandalf speaking to the Hobbit. "Tell me, when did doilies and your mother's dishes become so important to you? I remember a young hobbit that was always running off in search of Elves in the woods." Nevaeh scrunched her nose at the mention of Elves. "Who would stay out late, come home after dark trailing mud and twigs and fireflies. A young hobbit who would have liked nothing better than to find out what was beyond the borders of the Shire. The world is not in your books and maps... it's out there!"

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