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Upon realizing the sun sinking in the Western sky, the Company thought it best to find a spot to make camp. They were all utterly exhausted after the run in with the Orc hunters and even though Thorin was healing rapidly, his body needed time to recuperate. They found a sort of makeshift path leading them to the ground below the Carrock. There was a clearing at its base where no rocks or roots would prod them while they slept. "Perhaps we shouldn't travel too far." Nevaeh suggested, an uneasy feeling churning in her gut. She sensed something in the forest, something she could not place. Whether it were friend or foe, she did not know. But she did know that the Company could not survive another attack so soon. She was feeling rather drained herself. It had been many days since she last fed and her body was beginning to feel weak.

"She's right." Gandalf agreed, sensing a shift in the girl. "We will camp here tonight." As the Company began preparing the camp, he gestured for Nevaeh to speak with him, away from the curious ears of the Company. "Something troubles your mind, my dear."

"Something lingers in the shadows." Nevaeh told him. "It feels dangerous, but distant. As if it is hesitant to come forward." Her piercing eyes swept through the trees. But her senses were dull, at least by her own standards. She strained harder. Gandalf took in her appearance, she looked worn and tired.

"You should not press yourself too hard, Nevaeh. Keep the energy you have. You never know when you may need it." He advised. She nodded but he knew better than to believe that she would listen to him. "Will you hunt tonight?" He asked and was surprised to see her glance toward Thorin, who was resting with his back against a tree. Her eyes held a hidden worry that intrigued him. "He'll be fine, dear." He assured her.

"It's just... they're all so worn." She said, concerned. "They couldn't possibly defend themselves should something happen. I should stay."

"You're no use to anyone starved." He noted. "Do you know what happens when you stop feeding?" He asked and she looked at him blankly. She did not know the answer, but something made her afraid to know it. "You become so weak that you're body takes control of you and your mind is shut away. From then on, you have one goal."

"To feed." She answered, barely louder than a whisper.

"Until your need is satisfied, you will be uncontrollable. No one will be able to tame you. You would slaughter everyone you love before you realize what's happened. By then, it will be too late." His words worried her. She had been testing her limits in a way. She knew, the closer they came to Mirkwood, the scarcer food would become. She had been practicing, going longer between each hunt. For once they were inside Mirkwood, there would be no hunting. She could only hope that they make it through quickly. "You won't be able to protect them. Not even from yourself."

The cold truth of the Wizard's words was a heavy burden. A burden she had not found how to overcome. She was already a threat the Company, but everyday that she went without feeding, the risk grew. "I will go later." She sighed. "You will look after them?"

"No harm will come to them tonight." He assured her. The Wizard sucked in a long breath. "For the time being, perhaps you should remain close to Thorin."

Her eyes widened a bit. "Why?"

"He needs tending to and I find you the most capable."

"But Oin-" She began but the Wizard quickly countered.

"Oin needs to rest." He answered quickly. "Besides, you may learn something from your leader."

"Learn what?" She huffed.

"Thorin has a great number of stories he can tell you. You're bound to learn something, my dear."

"You're hiding something from me. You both are." Her cold eyes narrowed at him before she turned to stomp away.

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