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"We have to help him." Neveah turned on her heel without a second thought and started toward the entrance. The passage way glowed and a low guttural growl could be heard echoing through it. A strong hand caught her elbow, stopping her. She whipped her head to face him. Her icy glare piercing right through him. She noticed that something within him had shifted. Something in his eye gave it away. She stared into the depths, trying to read him.

"Give him more time." He insisted. Her face twisted in disbelief. 

"Time to do what? To be killed?" Balin interjected, saying what everyone was thinking. Thorin turned to face him with a bitter look, his grip on Neveah's arm tightening as he spoke to the old Dwarf.

"You're afraid." He accused.

"Yes. I am afraid." Balin responded obviously, stepping forward and jabbing a finger at Thorin. "I fear for you." He said. Thorin's grip faltered slightly. "A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard. A sickness that drove your grandfather mad." Finally, he relinquished his hold completely. He turned away.

"I am not my grandfather." He said lowly.

"You're not yourself." Balin stated. "The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there--"

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar." Thorin interrupted.

"Bilbo." Balin corrected. "His name is Bilbo."

Whilst the everyone was caught in the argument, Nevaeh used this opportunity to do what she set out to do. No one noticed that she was no longer amongst them. She made her way down the winding passages quickly, without a sound. She finally arrived in the treasury. Vast mountains of gold and jewels appeared before her. It took all the air from her lungs. She stared widely at the amount of treasure piled high. She felt it's power. Deep in her bones, she felt the misery it could cause. It was dormant now, waiting to unleash its wrath. 

"It's Oakenshield that filthy Dwarvish usurper." The growl of the dragon grabbed her attention. "He sent you in here for the Arkentone, didn't he?" 

"No, no,no. I don't know what you're talking about." Hearing Bilbo's voice brought instant relief to her. She began to tiptoe toward his voice, careful and silent as night.

"Don't bother denying it. I guessed his foul purpose some time ago." Smaug countered. "But it matters not. Oakenshield's quest will fail. The darkness is coming. It will spread to every corner of the land. You are being used, Thief in the Shadows. You were only ever a means to an end. The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing."

"No." Bilbo scoffed under his breath. "No. You're lying." 

At that moment, Nevaeh knew that the dragon was beginning to enter Bilbo's mind and take control over the situation. She quickened her pace, careful not to disrupt any treasure. Behind a far pillar she hid, she could spot Bilbo easily, hiding behind a pillar of his own. The dragon came into view and she froze. He was massive and menacing. But she could not lose her own nerve and expect to help Bilbo. She gently picked up a small golden plate and began swiveling it. The glimmer of light caught Bilbo's eye and he squinted to see her hidden in the corner. She gave him a small smile before signaling for the exit. He glanced down toward something. She followed his gaze. Something glowed in the treasure pile not far from him. She knew immediately what it was. "No, no, no." She whispered to herself, knowing what he was about to do.

"What did he promise you? A share of the treasure?" The dragon said sarcastically. "As if it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it."

Just then, Bilbo began to make a run for the Arkenstone. The dragon heard his quickened feet crunching again the coin. Turning to catch him, the dragon sent a tidal wave of treasure flying through the air. Bilbo mixed in with coins and fell to the ground hard. "Dammit." Nevaeh hissed, moving to get closer to the Hobbit. 

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