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The stampede beat wildly in Nevaeh's head. As they drew nearer she could envision them. Large... feet? Not so much running... More like... pouncing? Her keen mind working it's gears to make sense of the sounds approaching. Soon, they were close enough for her to smell in the air. Fur? Thick and matted with sweat... Quick.


"What?" Thorin questioned.

"Rabbits." She repeated. "Big ones." He gave her a look of confusion. His slow mind aggravated the witty girl before. She grunted in frustration. "Just go!" She ordered the company out of the cave. As they quickly filed out, Thorin's own mind began churning. What is she? What just happened? She is dangerous. A threat? Cursed? A monster under a sheet of beauty. He halted his racing thoughts. Beauty? Though it is true that her beauty was undeniable, perhaps even unequaled, he could not be plagued with such vile thoughts. For she was the enemy. An enemy that he must endure for the remainder of this journey.

Soon enough, the company could hear the beasts approaching. They were armed and ready to defend themselves against an attack. "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" A filthy, bedraggled man cried. He was manning a sled pulled by overgrown jackrabbits. It was a sight indeed, especially for Nevaeh, who snorted out a laugh at the other worldly man. He was unique to say the least. He wore a dirt colored cloak with a large silly hat that could perhaps even compete with Bofur's. He had bird droppings covering a portion of his face, which caused Nevaeh and a few others to crinkle their noses in disgust.

"Radagast!" Gandalf named the odd looking man.

"You know him?" Nevaeh snorted.

"It's Radagast the Brown." He approached the peculiar wizard. "Well...what on earth are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." The vagabond-like wizard began.

"Yes?" Gandalf prodded for elaboration.

Radagast started to say something, but then he stopped. And started again. And stopped again. "Just give me a minute." He huffed and groaned that he had forgotten his thought. "I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was right there on the tip of my tongue." He grunted. "Oh. It's not a thought at all. It's a silly old stick insect." Gandalf pulled the skinny insect from Radagast's mouth.

"Oh wow. That was gross." Nevaeh scrunched her nose. Not that her diet was much better. However, it was still more appropriate than insects. Gandalf rolled his eyes and shot the outspoken girl a glance telling her not to be so rude. Not that she meant to be. It was just her nature to speak whatever entered her mind. She was young and reckless after all. Young enough anyway. Turning to face the ragged wizard, Gandalf gestured to speak to him away from the ears of the group. Nevaeh thought to listen, but quickly changed her mind. She was getting better at this "self-control" thing. Best not to mess it up. She glanced over at the Halfling who was standing a few feet from her, examining a small dagger in his hand. The little dagger looked like a perfect looking sword in the hands of the tiny Hobbit. "May I?"

Bilbo looked startled when she spoke to him, wondering if she was actually speaking to him at all. "Uh- Ah. Yes, of course." He stuttered and offered her the dagger. She took it and the Elvish blade felt as though it was burning the flesh of her hands. She ignored the pain.

"It's an Elvish blade." She stated. "You know what that means?" Bilbo shook his head. "It means the blade will glow blue when orcs or goblin are nearby." She smirked. "It's a fine blade, Master Baggins. Just the perfect fit for our little Hobbit." She grinned and handed the dagger back to him. Bilbo took it and smiled up at the girl before him.

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