The Guest

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The girl began making her way through the wood. Night had now fallen. Her acute senses kept her alert as she traveled through the darkness. As she half skipped through the trees, she began humming a familiar tune. One that had haunted her dreams for ages. The voice that sang in her dreams was captivating and filled with sorrow. The same images came with the song. First, it was a mountain and a hall of gold. Then it would switch to a peaceful city. Children running about, playing and laughing. Then kites flying high and flapping in the wind. All at once, everything goes up in flames. Everything goes dark and all that's left to be heard are excruciating screams. This dream and many like it, have caused her to give up sleep. She came to a small path in the wood and began to follow it. The path led to a lush green valley. The Shire. She knew exactly where to go.

She traveled up the little path and stopped at the hobbit hole whose mailbox read "Baggins". She opened the gate and proceeded to the door. She gave it two knocks and waited a moment. When no one answered, she became impatient. She could hear the commotion inside so she decided that she should be a bit more forceful. She beat on the door and nearly broke it down with one hand. She could hear someone stomping toward the door.

"I have had it with these rude dwarves! Will you just give me a..." His shouts died down as he opened the door, "...moment." The hobbit had forgotten how to speak in the presence of the young lady.

"It's rude to keep a guest waiting, Master Hobbit." She said smiled. As she entered the doorway and removed her coat, she noticed the hobbit staring. "Well, are you going to introduce yourself or continue to gawk at me?" She scolded.

The hobbit shook his head quickly. "Oh. I erm... My apologies, Miss. I-I'm Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins."

"Yes, your mailbox told me." He looked confused as if she actually meant the mailbox spoke to her. Until she grabbed his jaw and turned his head toward his mailbox, he flinched at her cold touch. "Don't be so gullible, Bilbo." She whispered in his ear and patted his cheek.

Her words made him shiver. "I-I'm s-sorry." He gulped and she smirked at him. "I'm sorry I must've missed your name."

"Wouldn't have to worry about missing things that didn't happen if you weren't so busy gawking at people." She poked at him.

"Oh. Erm... yes. You're right." The hobbit admitted. "The others are in here." He lead her to where 12 dwarves were causing quite a commotion. They were throwing food and shoving it in their mouths. Positively barbaric..., she thought, I love it! She quietly made her way into the room. There was a dwarf stomping on the table, carrying pints of ale.

"Who wants an ale? There you go!"

The wizard seemed to notice her and motioned for her to sit next to him. She complied and took a seat. The wizard looked at her suspiciously for a moment. She ignored his questioning looks. She watched as the rowdy pack of dwarves continued their antics. One rather hulking dwarf even poured ale into another's hearing trumpet. She giggled when he blew the ale out of the end, nearly splattering her with it. Then, the dwarves downed their pints. The only sound to be heard was the sloshing of the liquid as they gulped and spilled it down their faces. Once the ale was drained, they began a belching contest. The smallest dwarf lad won. She scrunched her nose at the them. "Disgusting." She whispered to herself, still grinning at the lot.

"You get use to it." The wizard said, leaning toward her. "Though I'm curious to know what a creature, such as yourself, would be doing here."

"Creature?" She scoffed. "Is that any way to refer to a lady?"

The two began speaking in hushed tones. "I meant no offense.  Though I am curious to know why you are here."

"I'm not here to harm anyone, if that's what you mean." She furrowed her brows. "I have a purpose. I'm just not quite sure what that purpose is yet."

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