The World is Ahead

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Nevaeh led the way into the hobbit hole with Thorin following behind. The two of them began waking the sleeping dwarves. Nevaeh went over to Fili and kicked him in the back. "Get up." She commanded. The young dwarf let out a groan and rolled over.

"Ugh. What did you do that for?" He groaned.

"It's time to go." She stated.

"Could've been nicer about it." Fili grumbled.

"I was being nice. Now get up." She said and walked over to Kili and stomped on his gut, knocking the breath out of him. He started coughing and groaning. "At least you can't complain." She walked over to Bofur and shook him. "Time to get going," she says softly. She proceeded to wake a few other dwarves in the same manner. Fili and Kili noticed. They approached their uncle.

"Did you see what she did?" Fili asked, annoyed.

"No." Answered Thorin.

"I think I might have a broken rib." Kili grumbled and touched his rib. He hissed at the pain.

"And can feel the bruise forming on my back." Fili spat.

"Have Oin take a look at them." Thorin instructed.

"You aren't going to say anything to her?" Fili said angrily.

"Yes, I plan to." Thorin scolded.

"You can make her leave. You don't want her here." Fili urged his uncle.

"You're right. I don't want her here. But she is coming whether we like it or not. We are stuck with her for the time being." He said before walking away.

Nevaeh heard the whole conversation. Nothing that was said was a shock to her. She knew none of them wanted her there. But there was a reason that this quest and the history of Erebor were in her visions. That was the only reason she was here. Not for the Dwarves, not for the Hobbit and not for Erebor. She was here for herself. Once she found what she was looking for, she would be done. After all the Dwarves were woken up, Nevaeh walked outside and waited on the others.

"Where is your pony?" Thorin's gruff voice sounded behind her. He walked in front of her to his pony and strapped a bag to his saddle.

"I have no need for one." She had no horse for she was more than capable of keeping up on foot. She could outrun all of their horses if she desired.

"You'll need one for this journey. We'll not slow down for you."

"I won't need one."

"You can use a spare."

"Or none at all."

Getting frustrated with arguing with her, Thorin finally agreed. "Fine. But if you lag behind, you will be left behind."

"Fine." She said curtly.

The Dwarves began to exit the hobbit hole. They each began preparing their ponies. They all mounted up and began their journey. Bofur road over to Nevaeh, who was leaning on Bilbo's fence.

"Don't you have a pony, lass?" He questioned.

"No. I prefer walking." She gave a small smile.

"We have extras if you like."

"I'm quite alright. Thank you." She grinned. Bofur was truly adorable.

"Bofur." Thorin called. Both of their heads snapped up at him. Bofur nodded to Nevaeh and gave a quick smile which she returned then he trotted over to Thorin. Nevaeh watched as Bofur approached him. He looked angry and she watched him scold Bofur. She thought to eavesdrop but decided against it. Since she would be travelling with a company of males, she came to the conclusion to stop eavesdropping so much. Besides, its a nasty business, eavesdropping. You don't know what you might overhear. As Nevaeh has already learned, you may hear things that you wish you hadn't. Luckily, she had mastered the art of tuning people out. She could tune the world out if she wished. She watched Thorin hiss quietly at Bofur. He turned to her and shot her a look of pure hate. "Move out." Thorin barked. They travelled for about thirty minutes. There was a bit of chat going on throughout the company. Curious glances were stole in Nevaeh's direction. The stares bothered her immensely. Though she'd been getting them for decades now, she never could get use to them. She walked up to Bofur.

"So what was that all about?" She asked.

"It wasn't important." He answered quickly. He was lying and she knew it.

"It looked important." She pressed. Bofur didn't want to lie to the girl. He was a kind-hearted dwarf who had trouble seeing the bad in almost anyone. He didn't know why Thorin disliked the girl, she'd done nothing wrong.

"He wants us to steer clear of you." He said.

"What? Why?"

"Says you won't be around long."

"Oh, is that so?" She smirk devilishly.

"That's what he said."

"Well, looks as if we'll have to prove someone wrong then." She winked at Bofur who grinned back at her. She remained close to Bofur throughout the morning. She thoroughly enjoyed his company. She could feel Fili and Kili's cold stares burning into her back. She ignored the annoyance building up inside of her.

"What did you think of our Hobbit friend?" Asked Bofur.

"I thought him weak and far too fearful." She answered truthfully. "He would only slow us down and I doubt he'd be able to defend himself if we were to be attacked."

"And you can?"

"Yes. I can." Nevaeh smirked at him.

"Nevaeh!" Their leader called from the front of the line. The way he almost growled her name made the pit of her stomach burn. Sparks shot up her spine. Bofur shot her a heedful look and she walked over to Thorin.

"You summoned me?" She said, annoyed.

"We've things to discuss."

"Such as?" She raised her brow.

"Such as the trouble between my nephews and yourself."

"What trouble?" She asked in an innocent tone.

"Do not pretend to be ignorant." He stated gruffly.

Nevaeh was many things, ignorant was not one of them. "What of it?" She spat.

"If you are to accompany us, you three will have to learn to get along. I will not tolerate internal conflict in this company." He sounded exasperated.

"I've done nothing."

"I'm growing tired of your games. If you harm another member of this company, you will leave." He hissed.

"I haven't harmed anyone!" Nevaeh argued, raising her voice slightly.

"I am no fool!" Thorin growled down at her. "No one else's foot is as small as yours and I saw the bruise on Fili's back myself. And you are lucky that Kili's rib was only bruised and not broken!" Nevaeh winced at the thought of injuring the boys. She never meant to actually harm them, only rough them up a bit. She looked away from Thorin. The pained look on the girls face sent a swift blow to the hardened dwarf's gut. He did not understand why it bothered him. "Just... work things out with the boys." He instructed. Nevaeh said nothing, only turned to walk to her place in line.

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