Down, Down, Down

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The day was nearly over. Nevaeh had been fuming for hours. She had completely destroyed her room and turned the furniture to splinters. She had ran off into the woods by noon. She took down full grown oaks in her rage. She felt the need to hunt. She needed to kill something. In the middle of stalking a buck, her sight became blurry. All movement and sound around her ceased. Thunder cracked and a flash of lightning brought an image of the Company into her mind. They were in the mountains and a poweful storm was raging against them. The rocks began to shift and slide under their feet. The Giants of the Mountain awoke. Her vision shifted to the Hobbit holding on to the ledge, dangling above his death. She saw an empty cave. Then she saw the Company being assaulted by Goblins. She saw Thorin being beaten and battered on the ground. Just then, the world began to buzz again. The buck she was hunting noticed her and pranced away. As quick she could, she ran back to the Elven city. She prayed that Gandalf would still be there. She ran up the stone steps and through the halls before spotting Lindir at the end of the hall. "Lindir!" She called and nearly smacked right into him. "Gandalf. Where is he?"

"Mithrandir has departed already. Is something wrong?" He asked nervously.

"What of Elrond?" She asked urgently.

"He is probably in the gardens. Shall I call for him?" He offered.

"No. I'll find him." She started to run to find him but she paused. "Oh and thank you, Lindir." She said. The Elf smiled and politely bowed his head. And with that, Nevaeh left. She searched for the Elven Lord's scent and picked up on it soon enough. He didn't hear her approaching. When she appeared in front of him, he jumped from surprise.

"Nevaeh." He greeted. "How are you feeling today?" He asked.

"Yeah. Fine. Thanks." She answered quickly. "How long has Gandalf been gone?" She did not have time to waste.

"Not two hours passed." He told her.

"Which path did he take?"

"Is something the matter?" He was concerned.

"There's no time!" She raised her voice at him. "I need to know which way he went!"

"Follow the river northeast. It leads into the Misty Mountains. It is the shortest way. You will find him along the way." He told her.

"I can still catch up to him." She thought aloud. "Thank you for your hospitality." She bowed.

"You are welcome whenever it pleases you." He bowed back. And just like that, she was gone. He knew he would see her again. Someday.

She raced through the forest as fast as she could. The sun was already dipping below the horizon. It was nearly dark and still she had not seen Gandalf. Come nightfall, the Company would be captured and tortured to death. She knew the wicked ways of the Goblins. There were no easy, merciful deaths. Not by their hands. They would be mutilated by the end of it. And as much as she loathed Thorin at the moment, she could not let the others fall to such a fate. Thorin, maybe. But not the others. The sky grew dark and clouds covered the stars. She was losing time. When she finally made it out of the woods, the storm was raging. She spotted Gandalf. He was not far in front of her. She ran after him. "Gandalf!" She called out. It was a wonder he heard her with the thunder and rain roaring around them. He turned and met her.

"Nevaeh, what are you doing here? You are suppose to be in Rivendell." He scolded.

"They're in trouble." She told him quickly. "If we don't hurry, they'll die. The Goblins have them."

"You're certain of this?"

"Yes!" She shouted. "We have to hurry!" She rushed, shooing him with her hands.

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