Chapter 9

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Visioner woke up with a start, trembling and aching. His arm felt like it was slowly dying, and he was terrified to feel the poison start to affect his body. Something tingled on the spots near his arm, and he coughed as he felt it tickle his throat. Blood splattered on the ground, and he blinked, tasting the metallic taste he knew far too well. 

"Bright...ness," He croaked. A bloodied, limp body was slumped onto the cave floor, and for a wild second, he thought Brightness was dead, but her sides rose and fell slowly, proving her to be alive. 

Visioner shook his head slowly, wincing as his head hurt with every heartbeat. He looked around, and saw something unbelievably gruesome. 

Five- no, six- dead dragons littered the cave floor, their blood dying the rock a stomach-twisting dark red. One had its neck snapped back horribly, and a two others had blood pouring out of cut open bellies. 

The other two had deep wounds scouring their broken bodies, and Visioner shuddered as he noticed that one had the tip of his tail cut off, the strange barbed end lying down a few steps away. 

The last dragon was burnt beyond recognition. Their scales were charcoal-black from fire, and its wings were almost completely mangled. Visioner looked away, feeling sick, and crept towards Brightness. 

She was scarcely breathing, and horrible wounds and burns bubbled up everywhere on her body; her wings, limbs, belly, chest, and tail were all covered in fresh, bleeding injuries. Her eyes were closed, and she didn't move when Visioner nudged her gently. 

Brightness is going to die, He realized faintly. She's going to die if I don't do something. 

But...what do I do?

Visioner was most likely going to die tomorrow, and Brightness would possibly die today, right now at the worst.

But that won't happen. Visioner saw a flash of an image, a vision where if he stayed, Brightness would be able to live a few more days. 

What happens if I leave the cave?

Nothing came up. It was a risky choice.

Stay in the cave, give Brightness a few more days to live, or take a chance out in the outside world. 

Risk getting eaten or blown up,

Or finally have a chance of freedom?

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