Chapter 14

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Visioner listened as Moon told him about the concept of this 'school'. 

"A school is a place where dragons teach others important things," She started. "In Jade Mountain, we give young dragonets or dragons that couldn't get educated during the war a chance to learn things like history, the different tribes, and astronomy."

War? Tribes? Astronomy? Destroyer never taught them anything like that before. Moon gave him a brief, sympathetic look, before continuing.

"Tsunami is the Head of School, and she's in charge of everything, so you should know about that, but you'll learn the teachers after you get better," Moon explained. "In Jade Mountain, we split everyone into five groups, or winglets. I'm in the Jade Winglet."

"That's...interesting." Visioner remembered the group of different dragonets surrounding him, laughing and joking. Were they part of a winglet? Was...he in part of a winglet? "So, does that mean Brightness and I can stay?"

"Until you get better," Moon confirmed, and Visioner's heart sank. Where would he and Brightness go, after they were both healthy and treated? 

"Tsunami and Sunny are still deciding on what to do," Moon said quickly. "I think that you'll probably be able to stay, seeing that you seemed pretty desperate to get here. Is it okay if I asked you why you've come all the way to Jade Mountain?"

Visioner hesitated, not wanting to relive the events of pain that he and Brightness had experienced back at home. He wondered what sorts of torture this place had in for them. Something less painful, maybe? Or maybe the dragons here were actually all driven mad after all of the agony?

"Where's Brightness?" He asked instead. "Is she okay?"

Moon studied him for a moment, and answered. "I'm not sure. I think the healers will know, but I'm only a student here. Actually, I think I'd better go; The next class is probably about to start. Bye."

Visioner watched her leave, and sat up, wincing as his wounds burned with pain. He carefully set his talons down on the ground, testing his arm, and slowly walked in a small circle. He was limping slightly, and his wings drooped from exhaustion, but other than that, he was okay. 

Brightness. Where's Brightness?

Visioner started to investigate the large room, and just as he thought he'd spotted familiar dark purple scales, five dragons burst into the cave. 

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