Chapter 18

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Visioner's claws weren't his, but some other dragon's claws. They curled into the ground, and a blast of fire exploded from his mouth. Someone let out a terrified cry as the heat burned their scales, and recognized the voice as his own. 

More shouts of panic as dragonets from six different tribes burst into the dark cave, standing tall to form a barrier between him and this strange dragon that possessed him. 

No. He was watching from this dragon's eyes.

A dragon he knew all too well.


And just behind him, shaking with fright and her mouth tightly bound shut with a rope, was Brightness, her eyes closed and making a hard rock levitate to the air, crashing into Destroyer's head.

Everything went black.

"He's awake!" Visioner heard as he snapped his eyes open, breathing heavily. His head pounded with adrenaline, and he saw Moon and two RainWing healers looking down at him. 

"Are you okay?" Moon asked. "You weren't waking up, even when I tried to shake you awake. I called the healers; you were shaking in your sleep."

"I- I-" Visioner took a deep breath, and glanced nervously at the watching healers. "I need some time alone, please." Which he meant as, I need to talk to you. Alone. But I don't want the healers to feel upset or left out or sad. He tried to make that thought as loud as he could.

Moon gave him a concerned look. "Okay. We'll leave you for now." She exited the cave.

The healers checked up on a few things, and left. After a few moments, Moon re-entered. 

"Do you need to talk to me?" She asked. "Another vision?" 

Visioner nodded shakily. "I thought you were looking into my mind."

"Well-" Moon paused for a second, giving him a guilty look. "I don't like spying on other dragon's thoughts. And I'm getting better at blocking them out." Visioner nodded slowly.

"Do your visions come with a headache, or does it just come to you in your dreams?" Moon questioned. 

"They come when I sleep, or when I have a seizure," Visioner explained. "But this time was different. I- I was my father. But another me was also there, and I couldn't control anything in my father's body. He just...did what he wanted to do."

"That's strange." Moon was silent for a moment, then shook herself, as if she was trying to shake off her thoughts. "I've never heard of anything like that. Maybe you were your father, and watching from his point of view? From the future? No, that doesn't make any sense...How peculiar. Maybe your power is different from mine. Visioner, were you born on a full moon?"

"Yes," He answered nervously. "Outside our cave."

"Was there anything different?" Moon prompted. "Was the moon somehow strange? Or were you half-covered in the shadows, or something like that?"

Visioner racked his brain, trying to remember the day he had been hatched. He remembered his scales basking in the pale moonlight, but nothing else.


That hadn't been the only time he'd seen the moon. He'd been outside the day after he'd hatched. 

And the moon had been the color of blood.

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