Chapter 5- A break

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It was thirty minutes to lectures and still Lyria hadn't shown up yet. I leaned impatiently on the wall as I stared at my wrist watch for the fifteenth time.

Could she still be angry with me? I sigh, balancing on my feet as I pace. Just then the sound of a phone ringing makes me pause. I fish out my phone from my pocket to take a look at the caller's ID, I'm shocked.

I answer reluctantly. "hello..." I say tightly. "hello darling," I hear her say, oh God please don't. I felt like drowning right there. "you free?" she asks. Excuse me?!

"no." I say as calm as I can muster. "okay, I'll just come pick you up then." she says humming. I still. "you will do no such thing." I say nearly gritting my teeth.

"then, when are you free?" she asks. "never." I say before she can utter another word, I hang up.

I hurriedly check the time on my phone before shoving the phone into my pocket and find that I'm nearly ten minutes late. "oh dear." I exclaim before running in.


"today, we'll be discussing on O3, which is Ozone. Now I'm sure you've been taught that Ozone is the only atom which is produced from oxygen due to the fact that Oxygen is a diatomic gas..." Ms Zane kept on talking on and on, on oxygen and ozone but after her first two or three sentences I just kinda zoned out.

"Miss Lyria?" I heard her call, I blinked. I wiped my head to her in shock. "absent." A low steady voice from the back replies. I slump back into my seat once more with disapointment.

why wasn't Lyria here for class? I just couldn't get my head round it. And what's worse is the fact that the entire school knows she never misses lectures... lest its important.

My eyes instantly widen in shock, was she okay? Was she sick or into an accident?

Uhhh! I groan. I shouldn't be thinking of her especially now that I'm currently receiving lectures. "M. Xander?" I heard Ms Zane call. I instantly jolt. "pre...present." I reply still dazed. People begin murmuring around in the hall.

Damn it! I'm so busted.


I made my way down the hall way still overwhelmed with thoughts of her. When I nearly bump into someone coming from the principal's office. My books fall to the ground and I'm suddenly pissed. "can't you see where your going?" I ask, irritation clear in my voice. "I'm... I'm so sorry." A calm voice replies and I halt when I attempt to pick my books.

I could recognise that voice anywhere. The unknown person attempted to help me pick the books up, but on hearing approaching footsteps she redraws and runs off.

I look up to find her running away. My hunch couldn't be wrong, it had to be Lyria, it was her. "hey, stop!" I yell as I quickly gather my books and run off after her. She doesn't stop, she keeps on running. I yell out to her a few more times but she doesn't stop.

"Lyria!" I yell.

And she halts. She doesn't turn around to face me. "Lyria?" I call again, but she doesn't answer. "where have you been?" I ask, still no response. "I'm..." I say walking to her but she halts me in my tracks.

"no," she says, and I'm suddenly confused. "please, stay out of this." I hear her say, and soon a taxi stops in front of her. And before I can understand what's going on, she slips into the taxi and it drives off.


Once I got to my apartment, I alighted from the cab I had taken after paying my fare. I walk steadily to my apartment door, slowly unlocking it. I quickly slip inside and lock the door behind me.

I release a sigh of relief while leaning against the wall. Slowly, I lower myself to the floor in a squatting position.

"why..." I say, digging my hands into my hair. I gasp as if I was being choked, but I wasn't. I press my palms against both ears, burying my head in my knees, my eyes shut tight.

Then came the sound of shards of glass falling to the floor. I get to my feet, eyes open and instantly walking towards the direction of the sound. Only to see my window broken, the unknown culprit running away. Anger boils through me, and then I yell. "hey! This costs money you know!" But its no use, the person gets away anyway.

Great, now I'm sleeping with uninvited guests for the night. How delightful, I could only imagine how I'd itch from their sore bites.

I turn around with a groan, but then I suddenly bolt.

Wait a second... I turn around, but this time to the floor. There on the ground I see a paper, wrinkled and folded badly. Attached to a stone. Then, it hit me.

The unknown culprit hadn't come to break my windows just for fun. He had come with a message. But from who?

The only way to answer my silent question was to check the paper. On looking at it, I slowly pick it up. I loosen the paper from the ropes clutches and the stone lands on the floor with a thud. I open the paper and I'm suddenly rooted to the ground.

The message was from my younger sister, and it wasn't a polite message of some sort. It was a threat, and a notice that she would be back soon... To make my life a nightmare once again.

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