Chapter 21- Rivals

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"Hey beautiful," a husky voice says from my side. I pause my writing, my eyes not leaving my paper while my shoulders tense.
"I'm talking to you." The husky voice insists, from the corner of my eye I could see the person place a foot on my seat. I grit my teeth in restraint, tightening the grip on my pen.
       Ethan had told me he'd be a little late to meet me at the library today. I had decided to finish some assignments, but now it seems people just can't leave me alone. No matter how much I try to blend in.
     I release a shaky sigh, slowly letting go of my pen. I watch it fall to the book and land with a light thud, then I slowly lift my head. With shaky breaths, I turn to my right.
My breath gets caught in my throat, as I realize who it was. "Don't be so shocked to see me," he drawls, an evil grin on his face. I clench my fists so hard, they turn white.
        What was he doing here? I couldn't forget him even if I were to be held at gun point again. He was part of those people who had thrown me into this  dark abyss of my life. He had done so, not only at my sisters behest... but also because of his hatred for me. What did he want now? Why was he here all of a sudden?
"What are you doing here, Lycan?" I ask, voice barely audible even in the silence of the library. The evil grin now spreads into a wide scary smile.
Suddenly, that smile disappears. "You know why I'm here, and for whom don't you?" He asks, voice grave. This guy was insane, yes. He was insanely obsessed with my sister Layla, and could do anything for her. Even if she had told him to kill himself for her, he probably would too.
Yes, I knew. I knew all too well why he was here and on who's behest. My eyes widen slightly, it was Layla. She had sent him, but why though.
Before I could reply, he suddenly wrapped his palm around my neck. Choking me.
I instantly clutch unto his hands as they tighten around my throat. I couldn't breathe, it was beginning to feel suffocating underneath my mask. I was gasping for breath, but he seemed to be enjoying this.
"Stop..." I choke out, still struggling to free myself from his hold. "You're nothing more than a pawn to her..." before I can finish my statement he tightens his hold on my neck, and my visions blur.
"Is that so?" He says voice deeper, my head was beginning to spin now. Was I...
"I'll..." before he finishes his statement, his hand is roughly removed from my neck. I cough, trying my best to breathe. The next thing I hear, is the sound of something or someone falling to the floor. My eyes were still tearing up, as I remained staring at the ground while I tried to breathe.
I slowly lift my head, to see Lycan a few feet from me. I look up to see the person who had tossed him away, and saved my life. I nearly collapse in relief as I recognise the silver hair, but the look in his eyes were so scary. I don't think I recognised them.
"What were you doing to her you jerk?" He yells, hands forming to fists at his sides.
"Ethan," I rasp, still struggling to breathe. He doesn't turn to face me, I couldn't even stand long enough to walk up to him. I needed to stop him, we were in a library. But still, that didn't stop Lycan from trying to kill me.
     Lycan gets up, wiping blood from his jaw. My eyes widen as I realize Ethan had punched him before pushing him away.
"Who the hell are you, asshole." He bites out. Ethan gets madder, if that was even possible. Then in a slow grave voice he replies, "she's my partner for a project." I was still shaking as his eyes leave Ethan's and meet mine.
He scoffs, "her? You sure you didn't get the wrong person?" He mocks, lips splitting in a grin. Ethan gratefully doesn't beat him up for his reply, instead: "touch her again, and I'll kill you myself." That was a threat. Just before Lycan could react, the librarian steps in.
"What's going on here?" She asks in her high pitched voice. Her eyes darting between Ethan and Lycan. Then her eyes move over Ethan's shoulders to me, she panics.
"You okay dear?" She asks, rushing over to me. However, before she does, I don't miss the way Lycan rolls his eyes before turning away and walking out on us all.
I nod stiffly, hand lightly placed on my neck. "Take care of yourself, okay." She adds, gently patting my head before turning to Ethan. She nods her head lightly, before walking off. I hadn't realized how much I was still shaking, until I felt a feather like touch on my shoulder. A gasp escapes my lips, I look up to see Ethan staring at me with concern in his eyes.
"I'm sorry I came late, you okay?" He asks me. His voice was so soft, my eyes were gradually tearing up. Until I couldn't hold them back anymore, and they just began to flow.
His eyes were instantly clouded with confusion. "Hey," he says stretching a hand to cup my face, making me sob harder. "Shhh.." he says, leaning towards me and then burying my face in his chest. "It's alright now." He says, gently patting my head. I only sob harder. I was scared, I merely escaped death again. The thought alone was painful enough to make me cry my eyes out. He doesn't stop, instead his strokes become more steady and it was comforting. He doesn't stop until I eventually calm down.
      He had insisted on taking me for a drive, so I could cheer up. I had hesitantly agreed, now we were currently in his car. He had been driving me around for a while now, but I still couldn't get the incident out of my mind. As though Ethan knew this, he had been silent for a while now.
My eyes remain on my tangled hands, just then his voice cuts through the silence.
"You want to talk about it?" His voice was soft, calm and patient. I had a lot to say, but where do I begin from. My mind was currently a scrambled mess, and my heart felt like it had just been crushed.
Then without thinking, I blurt out the first sentence that pops up in my head.
"His name is Lycan, and..." I pause, inhaling deeply. Shutting my eyes, before carrying on. "He did that because of his obsession with Layla, he did that at her behest." I say, voice nearly breaking. He doesn't say anything, buy I don't miss the way his knuckles turn white as his grip tightens on the stirring wheel.
My eyes were open now, and I found myself looking out the window while leaning my head against the door frame.
"Tell me, do you think it's possible for her to let me be?" I ask quietly, he didn't need to give me an answer. I already knew the answer myself, it wasn't. It was impossible for Layla to let me be because of her immense hatred for me. And that same hatred was eating me up inside, yet I couldn't stop it.

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