Chapter 8- You

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13 Hours and 30 minutes ago....

I remained pacing up and down in my room, still concerned about Paul. We had failed to arrange the amount which was demanded by the unknown person currently holding my cousin hostage.

I grab my phone and quickly dial my brother's number. After some time, he answers.

"hello..." I begin, but he doesn't bother greeting.

"There's no other way but to call the police." He says, defeat clear in his voice.

"There has to be a way." I argue.

"There isn't except if you try going there empty handed with the intention of saving him." Eric says out of anger.

A small smile appears on my face. "perhaps I'd do just that." I say, "what?" He says after a short pause. "you..." but before he can lecture me out of it, I hang up and make my way to my bike.

My brother always had anger flares, which always led him to say stupid things. Which, well... obviously made more sense to me than him.

A smile slowly appears on my face as I recall the times he would get punished for this same reason. I shake my head, and climb unto the bike. Pushing those thoughts away, I put on my helmet and zoom off.


When I arrive at the warehouse it is technically five minutes after midnight. I get down, after ensuring that my bike was parked at a safe distance away from sight.

I begin walking towards the warehouse. I step in, only to find the entire place filled with much cartons than usual. I carefully make my way past the boxes to avoid noises.

I pause to look around. Confused on whereto start looking for Paul. I hear a lady scream, from ahead. I glance one last time at the dark side before making my way for the location.

On reaching there, I find a lady on white shirt and black leggings laying face down on the floor.

Could she have been captured to?

"You okay?" I ask, but her response is muffled.

I stretch a hand downwards for her so I can pull her up. "Here, let me help you up." I offer. She lifts her hand, without raising her head. After some time, her hand eventually meets mine.

I pull her up with a grunt. And when I do, my eyes accidentally lock with a pair of cyan colored eyes.

"Lyria?" I call in surprise and she looks just as surprised as I am.

"what are you doing here?" I ask her, but she doesn't reply.

"I... came here to..." she pauses abruptly.

"you came here to, what?" I ask, arcing a brow.

"well..." She starts. I'm still staring at her when I hear a sudden deep voice.

We both turn in the direction like we were just waking up from a long sleep.

And when we do, we find a man with a gun pointing at us. No, at Lyria.

"Can we end this drama now?" He asks. Instinctively, I come in front of Lyria.

"you brought the money?" He asks. I don't reply.

"in that case she goes." He says pointing the gun directly at Lyria.

Softly and slowly as if dazed. She whispers.

"she sent you didn't she?" she asks.

"Indeed, she did." He replies with a smirk. 

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