Chapter 20- Worse

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It has been two weeks now, since the discussion I had with Ethan. He hadn't bothered me about it afterwards, and I hadn't bothered to explain either.
    Layla on the other hand kept attending lectures, but she and Ethan were distancing themselves from each other.
Wonder what happened between them.
What ever it was, I hope it doesn't have to do with me. Anyways, that didn't stop her from sending death glares my direction. May wasn't making things any less insignificant. It seemed to grow worse day by day.
     Strangely, each time Ethan was around me. I felt safe. He had asked me why I put on a mask, and I had insisted on the fact that it helps me feel comfortable.
I was used to it now, I don't know what I'd do if I were to loose it.
I was currently having lunch with Ethan at the cafeteria, and unfortunately for me.. Layla had to be there too. She couldn't stop shooting daggers at me, at some point I nearly choked on my food.
"You okay?" Ethan asked me, and I nod clearing my throat.
"Um.. Ethan?" I rasp, snapping his attention from the food he'd been eating. "Hey, do you have any idea what I did wrong?" I ask softly, his brows crease together in confusion. "Why are you asking that?" I give him a wary glance.
"It's because she can't stop giving me the evil stare." I rasp high pitched if that was even possible. Eyes travelling to where Layla sat, currently eyeing me. I guess, I shouldn't have done so.
The moment his eyes traced mine, he let out a long paranoid breath, making me turn back to him.
"What happened?" I ask concerned. He dropped his napkin, grabs his bag with a hand. He gets up to his feet as he slings it over his shoulder, before he grabs my hand.
My eyes widen at the unexpected contact.
"What..." I begin, "I've lost my appetite, let's go." He says pulling me out of the cafeteria, giving me barely enough time to grab my bag. But I don't miss the furious look on Layla's face. Something was off.
She was practically seething.
I was still lost in thoughts, trying to rack my head around it. I didn't realize when we had come back to the lecture hall.
"Aren't you gonna sit?" I hear a voice, causing my heart to nearly leap out of my mouth.
I blink, trying to calm down my nerves before I face him. "Uh.. yeah." I say, taking my seat beside Ethan Xander just as the lectures are about to begin.
"You don't have to walk me home." I insisted, clutching my books to my chest as I walked down the hall way, with Ethan by my side. He was insisting on walking me home, and I didn't know why.
For all I knew, I wanted nothing to do with Layla anymore. If possible, I wanted to erase the memories I have of her. But I know its impossible.
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." He says, not budging an inch, leaving me more frustrated than I already was.
"Fine then," I say with a huff.
      In the end, he walks me to my apartment. We both come to a halt in front of my door step.
"I guess this is good bye?" He says, hand scratching his neck. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach in disappointment, and I didn't know why.
"You're not staying over for a while?" I find myself asking before I can help it.
He shakes his head softly.
"no, I'm not." Came his quiet reply, I nod solemnly.
"I have something important to take care of." He adds, which leaves me curious but I don't push it. Instead, I find myself saying: "its alright, be careful."
And the answering smile he gives me in return makes my heart do a double flip in my chest. I have to look away.
He waves me farewell, before disappearing down the path we had taken. After staring at the empty lane for a while, I finally release a sigh.
Turning around, I open the door before pushing it open.
I was back to my apartment, I was in a safe place now.
I remained tossing and turning on the bed at night, unable to get a wink of sleep.
My thoughts kept wondering over to Ethan, who had left abruptly.
Was he okay?
I couldn't help but worry while I lay in bed. I lay facing upwards, closely observing the ceiling. My hands were iching to grab my phone which was currently laying idle beside me, with the purpose of dialing his number.
Should I call him... should I not...
Should I call him... should I...
     Just then the sound of my phone ringing cuts through the silence of the night. I blink, startled before immediately reaching for it. I stare in shock, for a moment I think I'm hallucinating, but all my doubts vanish the moment I place the phone against my ear. And his voice echoes through my ears.
"Hey," I heard him say over the phone, he sounded okay. But for some reason, I couldn't say anything. My tongue seemed to me glued to my mouth.
"You okay?" He suddenly asks, voice slightly laced with concern.
I blink snapping out of whatever trance that was.
"I...I.." I sigh, "yeah, I am." I say, eyes shut while I speak. I open them again, before sitting in bed, back leaning on the bed stand. I hear him release a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness." He says, voice a whisper. "I was worried." My eyes widen, "you... were concerned about me?" I ask surprised.
There is a pause on the other end, just when I thought he had hung up he finally spoke. "Of course, why wouldn't I? We're friends aren't we?"
He asks me, and instantly my mind goes blank.
No one had ever considered me a friend, no one had ever worried whether I was safe let alone alive. And here he was, a total stranger until a few weeks ago, worrying about me. More than my family ever did.
My eyes were tearing up now, and with a tear sliding down my cheek, and a happy beam on my face. One which I didn't have till today, "yes, we're friends." I finally said.
It sounded foreign to my ears, even though it was coming from my own mouth. But, it still felt good.
I finally have a friend.

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