Then The Chaos.

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"A bad storm?" Jimin asked curiously.

Jin was frantically searching around for his car keys. "Yes a bad storm! So we need some supplies and we need them now! So who is coming with me?!"

The members looked to each other, then finally Jimin and Jungkook said they'd like to go and help. The others felt too nervous to leave the house at this point.

Jin found his keys. "Okay, let's go."

Their hyung was out the door in the blink of an eye and Jimin and Jungkook had to sprint out behind him.

The others discussed the storm and what else they could do to prepare for it. Although there wasn't much they could do except make sure the windows were closed. Their dorm building had a generator incase it lost power, so that was a relief.

Jin was speeding to the store. Or trying to speed. He got caught up in a lot of traffic. The three could feel the anxiety all around them as they saw many people crowding the gas stations and all the convenience marts.

Jin pulled into a local mart and rushed inside, his two dongsaengs running after him. "Hyung slow down! We have a few hours before the storm even starts!"

"I just want to get in and get out!" Jin exclaimed.

The giant crowds were making Jin anxious. He told Jimin and Jungkook to go together and gather a few things.

"Yes, captain!" Jungkook giggled and dragged Jimin away. All three of them got to collecting everything they'd need. Mainly food, water, and first aid supplies.

Jimin and Jungkook heard a woman come up behind them and start screaming. She suddenly pushed Jimin out of her way, and he fell against a small shelf with a chip display. He tumbled to the floor as it got knocked over, sending a loud crash echoing through the store.

"What the hell was that for?!" Jimin screamed at her as he got back up. Jungkook stood there nervously as he watched the woman start screaming about how Jimin was in her way.

Jin came running from around the corner when he heard Jimin yelling. He screamed at the woman for pushing his dongsaeng, and soon security was there to drag her away. As she was being dragged away she continued to scream as blood came out of her mouth.

Jungkook saw both of the woman's pupils split in two, and then form back into one.

"Did you see that?!" Jungkook screamed in terror. Jin grabbed his wrist and dragged him and Jimin to the checkouts, ignoring his maknae's question. "Hyung her eyes! They like...broke apart!"

"Yeah yeah, help me scan this stuff," Jin said. He was frustrated with the crowd and how people kept bumping and walking into them to get the things they needed. He'd never seen such chaos. Jimin was in a bad mood and remained silent as he helped. Jungkook felt his own anxiety picking up. Her eyes.

Once the groceries were put away, they hopped in the car. Jin sighed, finally relieved they could head home. He turned to see Jimin missing.

"Where the hell did he go?!" Jin screamed in frustration.

"I don't know he never got in," Jungkook shrugged. The two got out of the car and realized everyone outside in the parking lot was staring at the sky, including Jimin. They ran to him.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked as he looked up.

Jimin pointed to the sky. "What the hell is that?"

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