The Wrong Decision.

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The members had decided to stay put in their dorm. A while later they watched out the window as many around them were out driving away from the city and combating the torrential downpours.

"They're ruining their cars," Jungkook frowned.

"I think that's the least of their worries, maknae," Jin replied.

"When do you think they'll all come back?" Taehyung wondered.

The others shrugged.

"I assume when the rain stops," Namjoon replied.

"When will that be?" Jimin asked. Nobody quite knew.

Suddenly a building in view from their window completely collapsed. The members screamed and jumped backwards. The anxiety was high. Jungkook ran into Jin's arms. "What happened?! Why did that happen?! What if our building collapses too?!"

"The rain must have melted it. Thankfully our building is made of concrete. We should be fine," Yoongi said.

They stepped away from the window to try and ignore the chaos happening outside. They kept the TV and radio off to avoid hearing more bad news, however Hobi was still checking his phone.

"Everyone is being evacuated onto elevated military bases," Hobi replied.

"The military is involved now?" Taehyung asked. "Why?"

"Did you not just hear him? People need to evacuate to somewhere," Jimin lightly teased.

The rain had lasted days so far, and when Taehyung looked out the window he couldn't ignore how high the toxic rain was forming into flood pools. The roads had become rivers.

"M-maybe we should evacuate at this point too," Taehyung said nervously. "I don't want to be trapped in here. Look how high the water is. And look." He gestured to the vast view before him. "Everyone is gone." He suddenly felt extremely isolated and alone. It felt like humanity itself was gone. And maybe it was.

"I'm sure the rain will stop soon," Namjoon said reassuringly. Although he didn't know.

"Actually Tae is right." Yoongi spoke loudly for everyone to hear. "We have to leave now."

"Why is that?" Hobi asked. He honestly didn't like the idea of heading out into a dangerous unknown.

"Well, we're out of food. And the plumbing has stopped working. We're out of water. So if we stay here, we die."

The members stared at Yoongi with terror ravaging through them all. They all looked back out the window and knew.

They were in for a long and dangerous journey.
And this was only the beginning.

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