It Was Toxic.

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Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin stared at the sky as they saw clusters of endless lightning. The clouds began to circle, the sky opening and closing up. It was getting dark, and fast. The clouds were purple and black. A loud thunder echoed through the world and everyone reflexively ducked.

"Is that the storm?" Jungkook asked anxiously. "I thought we had a few hours?"

His hyungs were in a daze of unbelief as they stared at the sky. And then a sound came.

"Is that..." Jin broke from his trance when he realized. "The rain! The rain! We have to go!" Jin grabbed both Jungkook's and Jimin's wrists and dragged them back to the car. The parking lot broke out in chaos and people ran to their cars and back inside.

"What's wrong with the rain?!" Jungkook asked in a panic.

"It's toxic! They said it'll burn our skin and strip vehicles of its paint and all that!" Jin frantically put his keys in the ignition and sped home, hoping to beat the rain.

He was so close to making it, but the rain caught up right before he was able to park in the dorms garage. The sky was black, turning purple with the lightning, and the sound of the downpour smashed against the outside of the car. Jimin and Jungkook crouched down in the backseat, and finally Jin pulled into the garage and parked. They got out of the car to see the streaks of rain already stripping the paint of the car away.

"Damn it," Jin said angrily.

The three grabbed their groceries and Jungkook stood by the car. His curiosity got the best of him and he poked out his finger to touch one of the raindrops to see what would happen to him, but Jin appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his wrist.

"Don't," Jin said sternly and led his two dongsaeng's inside.

Once inside, Jin dropped to the ground with relief and sighed. The others gathered around and thanked the three for going out as they helped put groceries away.

"The storm is moving fast as hell," Namjoon said. "I didn't realize it'd be this bad."

A gust of wind came and shook the entire building.

Taehyung noticed a bruise on Jimin's arm. "What happened?"

"Some asshole pushed him into a shelf knocking the whole display over!" Jungkook yelled. "And hyungs her eyes! I saw her pupils do this weird thing!" The maknae was desperate for someone to believe him.

"I think he just imagined that because he was stressed out," Jin said.

"I'm not lying!" Jungkook protested.

Yoongi had the TV on when another breaking news report came out with video footage of people in crowds absolutely attacking the hell out of each other.

"What the hell?" Hobi asked. "I've seen people panic over bad weather but what the hell is this?"

The broadcast continued and then suddenly someone was being interviewed who mentioned seeing an attacker's pupils split in two.

"It's in the eyes. Stay away from the people with the splitting eyes!"

The members' jaws dropped as they looked to Jungkook.

"Now do you believe me?!" Jungkook boasted with happiness when he saw someone else witness the same thing he had. I'm not crazy!

The members fully believed Jungkook now.

"I don't understand what's going on. First a bad storm, and now people with splitting pupils attacking others?" Taehyung was confused. He grabbed Jimin into a hug when he realized his best friend had been at a greater risk than a simple shove.

Namjoon stared out of the window at the storm getting lost in thought.

What the hell is going on?

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