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The members walked into the room, nobody paying any mind to them. Everyone figured they were just more employees, it wouldn't be the first time people with white lab coats and masks had walked in to speak to them or the officers.

Military officers immediately rushed over to the members. Under the impression that they were speaking to their colleagues, they asked what they needed to discuss.

"We, umm..." Jimin started. Then he realized he had no idea what to say. Now that he was face to face with officers again he felt his pulse pick up with anxiety. He looked to the other members in hopes someone would take over.

"We are..." Hobi intervened when he saw Jimin looking like a deer in the headlights. "We are here to tell you that the operation is a failure...we are...uh...shutting it down." He didn't know where he was going with this either. They each looked at the officer with blank stares, waiting for his reaction.

"What the hell do you mean shutting down?" The officer asked. "This operation has just started."

"What operation are you speaking of?" Taehyung asked. He wanted to hear what the officer had to say about everything that was going on. He wanted to hear it loud and clear that what they'd overheard back in the hallway was in fact what was happening here.

The officer didn't hesitate to answer either. He mentioned the operation of creating a bioengineered army and deploying out to other countries to take over the rest of the world. Taehyung dropped his gaze and blinked away his tears. So it's true.

"Well, it's over," Yoongi added.

Immediately, Jin turned to the crowd and got everyone's attention before the officer could even reply. "Excuse me everyone!" He screamed. The room went silent and everyone turned to him. "These people have been..."

Namjoon and Jungkook nudged him at the same time and he realized they were incognito, taking on the role of the very people they were against. He had to change the perspective. "I mean...we...we have been lying to you all."

Chattering and whispers could be heard as people turned their heads to each other, immediately searching for some kind of answer. Jin gulped when he looked over and saw officers holding the guns. His nerves were on fire. One officer grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, "What the hell are you doing?!"

Jin jerked away, and then Hobi started speaking before anyone else could.

"The government is behind this!" He screamed. He started yelling a mile a minute as he noticed the severe unrest happening amongst the crowd. "The sickness was created in a lab and it went wrong! This weather is their doing! Don't you know why you're all here?! This isn't for protection! It's to raise a damn army!" He pointed to the soldiers. "They aren't working to help us! They're working to hurt us!"

The crowd began screaming, because they were going to very much believe someone in one of the white lab coats, because it had been those people, along with the officers, who had the utmost authority throughout this entire ordeal. An officer came over and punched Hobi in the side. This got all of the members worked up and they surrounded Hobi. "We know what's going on here!" Jungkook screamed through his tears. The members were able to pull Hobi away from the officers before they could rip his disguise off.

The officers immediately lost control of the crowd. People started screaming profanities at them and words of disgust. They began to refuse to listen to any command they were given. The members got a bit separated from each other in the chaos of the crowd but quickly re-found each other. Panic ensued when suddenly guns started going off again. It was like a replay of  everything that had happened before.

On the plus side, they were able to declare the truth to the crowd, and the crowd believed them. It was a start. More emergency sirens started going off and in the blink of an eye, the crowd started pouring out of the doors to the room.

Everyone was escaping.

The members started following too, ditching the lab coats and masks in order to shed themselves of their blasphemous guilt. Doors to the outside were locked but so many people crammed and crowded around them that the doors broke open and everyone flooded outside.

Into the acid rain that was still falling.

The members stopped before exiting the building, seeing the rain and seeing how many things outside had already been destroyed.

"Wait!" Namjoon stopped everyone. "What about...what do we do...?!" He screamed.

Hobi grabbed him.

"We can think about that later! Right now we just...

we run!"

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