They're Coming.

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"Help is coming!" Namjoon cheered.

"Who?!" Yoongi screamed, his heart racing. Oh what he wouldn't give for some damn help at this point.

"I don't know, but someone!" Namjoon smiled.

"What if they're lying? What if we just gave away our location to more people who are out to destroy us, and then this entire world?" Jungkook wasn't as trustworthy or convinced that things were ever going to get better.

This was war.

"Well then...I don't know...let's just stay positive." Namjoon's voice got small. If he had just made this harder for all of them, he'd never forgive himself.

It didn't take long at all. Helicopters were coming in from every direction. Gun shots. Screaming. Explosions. Hobi was veering the car all over the place as he tried to continue driving without hitting anyone or falling victim to bullets.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jimin cried.

"Look!" Jungkook pointed to the sky to bring attention to the fact the the new helicopters coming in were shooting straight at the other ones.

"Wait..." Yoongi was in awe. "They're...they're helping! Help actually came! It wasn't a trick!" He turned to Namjoon and started shaking him with enthusiasm. "You're a genius! You're a damn genius! You actually called in real help!" The oldest rapper couldn't contain his excitement as he grabbed Namjoon's face and kissed the top of his head.

The enthusiasm was short lived when Hobi started expressing groans of worry. "Uh..."

"Uh? What's uh? Why uh?" Jungkook asked, eyes wide with fear. All of them realized the car was slowing down.

"What the hell are you doing? Pick up the pace, dude!" Jin scolded.

The car came to a halt in the middle of all this chaos.

"We ran out of gas." Hobi stared blankly at the others.

The member went silent for a moment. "What...what do you mean we...ran out of gas?" Jungkook was looking at all of his hyungs faces to see their reactions. They all looked equally mortified.

"I mean we ran out of damn gas! I don't know what is hard to understand about that!" Hobi was on the verge of tears. Why does everything keep going wrong!?

"Alright hey, everyone just, just calm down."Jimin looked out the window to see that at the very least, the damn rain had stopped. "We can find another car and keep going!"

Everyone pondered it for a moment and realized that was their only option, they couldn't wait around in their currently dead vehicle. There was too much destruction going on outside, they had to get to safety. Wherever the hell that was supposed to be.

Yoongi was the first to hop out of the car. All of them followed and broke out in different directions for different cars, hoping to find one of them unlocked. They ran around in desperate attempts to not get attacked with bullets or by the people who were carrying the infection, as there were many and they were running wild in the streets. Destroying and killing each other. Helicopters above were not caring who to shoot, infected or not, their government had turned on them. They were killing everyone. And while they shot down at people, the help that had come was busy shooting down those helicopters.

Absolute madness.

"None of these will open!" Jin screamed. He looked to see that none of the other members could find a new car to steal either and they were running out time. If they didn't seek some kind of shelter soon they'd be attacked and murdered.

Jungkook screamed for everyone to run to a store that was nearby. If they could get inside then at least they could escape the bullets. They sprinted there, knowing their lives damn well depended on it.

The little store they were able to find protection in was empty. No people.

"Thank goodness." Yoongi was panting as he held his hands on his knees. "At least they can't f-" he was interrupted by someone coming from around the corner and throwing themselves at him, threatening to kill him. Yoongi was in shock and his body froze in fear as he looked into the persons eyes, realizing this wasn't a person anymore. Where the hell did he come from?! The place was empty!

"No! Leave him alone!" Jimin grabbed a metal pan off one of the shelves and slammed it down on the persons head, creating a gaping bleeding wound. The person dropped to the floor, unconscious.

"Looks like we can't stay here!" Namjoon screamed.

"Then what the hell do we do?! There's nowhere else to go!" Taehyung screamed back, his face wet with sorrow.

Namjoon scanned outside and saw military men shooting at each other and at people. He took a deep breath.

"There's only one thing left to do," the leader started.

"What's that?" asked Jin.

Namjoon paused, making sure he was really going to mean what he said before he said it.

"We stop running. It's time we fight back."

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