A Quick Stop. (2)

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Jin felt something knock him in the back of the head. Assuming it was one of his members, he turned and started scolding them until he realized it was a man he didn't recognize.

"Who the hell are you?! What was that for?!" Jin screamed. The others heard him and came running, startled when they saw this stranger.

"Money!" The man held out his hand.

"You think I'm going to give you money after you hit me?!" Jin yelled. "Are you insane?!"

The man suddenly jumped onto Jin and started hitting him. The others freaked out and pried the man away but he had superhuman strength.

"Get the hell off my hyung!" Taehyung screamed as he started hitting the man. All the members started hitting him as he himself was hitting Jin. Jin tried kicking him away. "Get the hell away from me!"

Namjoon disappeared for a moment and came back with food that was in a glass jar and smashed it over the mans head, knocking him out. After the man dropped to the ground, they saw Jin holding his head. He had a bleeding cut.

"Hyung!" Hobi cried and cradled his hyung in his arms while kissing the injury. All of them bombarded Jin with questions asking if he was okay, and telling him that they were sorry they couldn't protect him more.

"Not your fault." Jin groaned while holding his head. He was still trying to catch his breath as his heart was doing leaps and flips from sheer terror.

Jungkook was sitting next to Jin and holding his hand, crying. He was keeping an eye on the man sprawled out on the floor next to him to make sure he didn't wake back up anytime soon.

Jimin turned to Namjoon. "Great thinking, hyung."

"It was the only option at that point." Namjoon felt terrible for hurting someone but he had no choice if his own hyung was the one being hurt.

Taehyung and Yoongi went and found some first aide supplies in the store and came back to tend to the blood that was trickling down Jin's face.

Jungkook was still curiously watching the man lay unconscious when he decided to crawl over and pull open one of his eyelids.

He immediately saw the pupil split and reform, making him scream as he frantically crawled backwards, slamming into a shelf.

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