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"How the hell would a person cause all of this?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm not saying it only had to be one person. It could have been a bunch of people for all we know. You know I'm not one for conspiracies but I'm not trusting this government right now either," Yoongi replied.

"Well if we are going to start wandering around the place, we are sticking to the rule that we don't separate. Everyone sticks together. That includes bathroom breaks!" Jin looked at Jungkook and the maknae felt a small pinch of shame for going off on his own earlier and worrying everyone.

They decided that instead of trying to find ways out, they were now going to snoop around and eavesdrop on any soldiers or government officials they could find. Namjoon pressed his finger to his lips, gesturing for everyone to stay as silent as possible and remain undetected. They were terrified of how much trouble they'd get in if they were caught spying.

They continued to tiptoe around the place. They ended up on the second floor of the building they were in and it was filled with a lot more soldiers, and what looked like scientists. There were people in white lab coats rushing around to different rooms.

"What the hell is this?" Hobi whispered. "I thought this was a military base. Why are there people in lab coats? Is it some kind of lab?"

Jimin gestured for Hobi to be quiet once they heard people conversing with each other. Two men in white coats were walking down the hall and the members stayed huddled behind a far away corner.

"What are we going to do about this?" The first man said. "We are already on trial three and it failed."

"Trial three of what?" Taehyung whispered to Jin.

Namjoon turned to Taehyung. "Shhh! Just listen!" They turned their attention back to the men walking in the hallway.

"We have to continue the trials. It's bound to work eventually. It worked on enough of our soldiers, so something went right. As for the people out there murdering in the streets, we will have to look at what happened there." The second man continued. "The injection we used was supposed to make the subjects only kill on command, not turn into ravenous zombies."

The members were filled with a new sense of anxiety. Jimin turned to Namjoon and whispered. "They injected people? They injected the soldiers? And they kill on command?"

"I don't know." Namjoon gestured for him to be quiet.

"What do we do about the rain?" The first man said. "The container wasn't supposed to blow up and release those toxins."

"The rain will have to run its course. There's nothing we can do about that. People will just have to make sure they don't get hit with it until it subsides."

"We can't send our soldiers out into the world until this rain stops. Once we get them off into other countries, then we can command them to start killing."

All of the members looked at each other with wide eyes but nobody said a word.

"Once we conquer everyone, we won't even need to worry about this land anymore. We can leave everyone that's left to either fend for themselves or we can kill them off."

The two men in coats disappeared into a room and the members all let out quiet gasps.

"I knew it! I knew they couldn't be trusted! What the hell did they inject people with that would make them murderers?! And they want to take over other countries?!" Jimin panicked.

"It sounds like the government is trying to take over the entire world." Taehyung was staring blankly off into space. This was all surreal to him.

After overhearing this conversation, the members would soon realize that although it seemed impossible, things were only going to get worse from here.

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