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The members held each other as they sprinted. Trying to desperately move through the raindrops themselves. They saw others doing the same, and it appeared that everyone was trying to break into military vehicles, or any kind of vehicle available, to escape from this prison.

It hurt their hearts knowing they'd have to resort to doing the same thing but desperate times called for desperate measures. They ran to the nearest vehicle that hadn't been completely rusted and destroyed from the elements. They barged their way inside, thankful that it was an easy and quick task because it had been left unlocked.

Hobi snagged the drivers seat. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" He screamed as he heard gun shots going off from behind them and more people screaming.

"Are they trying to kill all of us?!" Jin screamed in fear.

"I don't know but I'm not trying to stick around and find out!" Jimin was the last one in and slammed the door shut. "Go, go, go!"

Hobi started speeding away, honking and swerving trying not to crash into everyone else who had stolen vehicles and were trying to escape.

"Where am I even going?!" Hobi was desperate for someone else to take the lead here. He didn't want to be in charge of any decisions so he was aimlessly driving to wherever.

Taehyung suggested they go back to their place and figure things out from there, but when Hobi started driving back towards home the roads were blocked by the police and military.

"Fuck!" Yoongi punched the inside of the door.

Hobi screeched the car into the opposite direction and sped away from the constant bullets being shot. As he sped he had to dodge people and abandoned vehicles. The members looked out of the windows to see people in the streets attacking each other. Fighting over cars, fighting each other and beating each other up. The members could tell some of these people had this bizarre infection. Jungkook turned and buried his face into Jimin's chest as he cried. What the hell is going on?

Taehyung and Namjoon were both eyeing inside the military vehicle wondering if there was anything that could help them. Taehyung noticed a walkie talkie attached to the front of the car. "What's that for?"

"Usually to communicate with other military vehicles," Namjoon replied. The walkie talkie appeared to be attached to a radio connection.

"Does it work?" Taehyung asked.

From the passenger seat, Jin grabbed the walkie talkie and turned the radio on. They could hear things being discussed between different military personnel.

Things they wished they didn't hear.

"Show no mercy."

"Kill them all."

"Let everyone get infected and kill each other."

Things about relocating via helicopter and plane and still bringing the disease overseas.

All of the members were overflowing with fear, and that overflow was evident in the tears they kept releasing.

Jin started messing with the radio nob and kept talking into the walkie talkie. "Hello? Hello?"

"What the hell are you doing?! They'll hear you!" Yoongi scolded.

"Maybe we can find someone to help!" Jin screamed in defense.

"Nobody around here is going to fucking help us!" Namjoon screamed in reply. "Let me see that." He snatched the walkie talkie and kept instructing Jin to move the radio dial to different stations. It landed on a station where the people weren't speaking Korean anymore, but English.

"Hello?" Namjoon said, beginning to speak in English.

The people on the other end replied. All of the members immediately started freaking out because they didn't understand what was being said, but Namjoon immediately started begging for help.

"The whole place has gone insane! Infection, killing, acid rain...please..." Namjoon begged, "Someone help us. Someone out there help us. We are falling apart."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before finally getting a response.

"What's your location?" Someone asked. Namjoon let them know where they were, and then another long pause.

"Alright, got it. We are on our way."

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